Well, I sure got some great mileage out of this thread! I want to thank all who contributed. My one last question relates to the ranges placed on the agencies in the Full database and how to change them, or if they are changeable. When I learned there was a predetermined range value placed on an entity (in certain or all cases), and any value I added would simply be added to that predetermined value, I wondered why Uniden decided to assign these range values. However I haven’t spent too much time trying to figure out Uniden’s logic because the whole intent of my original post was how to configure my SDS200 for a trip from Ct. to the air show at Naval Air Station (NAS) Oceana, Virginia Beach, Va., in September… and since that show was canceled two days ago, my trip is a “No Joy”. So, if anyone cares to tackle why Uniden placed these range values instead of letting us do it, it would be appreciated. I suspect it was something needed for another aspect of the scanner, a need to designate these values.
As for me, we’ll I’ve got yet another year to figure it out while I wait for next year’s NAS Oceana Airshiw!