OK, everybody seems to ask for new function while the RF part of the sacanner is bad.
So my first and only rewquest would be - A SOLID FRONT-END - band filters, high dynamic range, high quality ADC, etc. This is what is missing and due to this, peaople mis lot of transmissions, scanner hangs on "ghost frequencies" and transmissions are mixed together.
Current SDS100 front end reminds me a $25 Baofeng's front end which someone tried to fool by sw filters.
Maybe the front end could use $2000.00 more in parts to make it closer to lab specs but mine sits on my desk and just like my x-wife it literally does not know how to shut up already! There is sooo much that goes on around me all day every day I could not tell you if it ever really "misses" anything... Heck, if I don't hear at least 10 reports of gunfire, 10 times the fire department says it cannot continue with the investigation because of building collapse, 10 times the police have to respond to an assault and 10 different conversations with the fugitive apprehension teams closing in on someone and on and on and on every single day, then I might get suspicious.. and I have no need to become suspicious... I am more concerned that this thing is simply going to wear out due to over use or end up in a mental institute because of all the crap that goes on in this city!!!! I mean you can only take so much, right???
Yes I do hear what some may say is a "ghost frequency" but come to find out it is usually an officer in a struggle to apprehend a suspect and his mic is being pinned on or it has been broken and he is eventually informed of it and turns his radio off, then there is the one that gets into his car and sits on it...
Come to think of it, yes it does "miss transmissions" but that is the nature of the beast.. As it scans along it comes to an active frequency and stops on an already-in-progress conversation, I will only hear a part of that particular conversation due to the fact that it is a "scanning" receiver and doing it's intended job... On the other hand, if I were to lock it on a particular frequency, I would never miss anything transmitted on that frequency... then the "mixed together" stuff ends up being two or more users keyed up at the same time...
Just statin' the obvious...
By the way, I am very close to the middle of, and listen to, 3 separate simulcast systems along with other systems including but not limited to analog... in one of America's highest crime rated cities dubbed "Detoilet"...
In my opinion this SDS200 sure is a hell of a workhorse, sounds good and thanks to StaticDischarge it doesn't have the hum issue...
I'll end this with the only way you are ever going to get my SDS200 is to pry it out of my cold dead hands... Simply because there is NOTHING better on the
consumer market right now that does what this thing does and is relatively affordable... You know, with out the "lab specifications" or the kitchen sink plus a coffee pot!!! Now if they EVER come out with one that has a kitchen sink and coffee pot.. I'll give you my SDS200...!!!