Sds100 display

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Feed Provider
Jan 20, 2003
Washington Pennsylvania
Remember that certain problems has to be reported in this Uniden technical forum even if other users already have done a report. The SDS100 where released without any filter options and when people complaint Uniden tried different settings in different firmwares until they realised it must be user configurable. But then it was still complaints and Uniden added more filter options. The IFX option where complicated enough to give most users a diffcult time figuring out how to use it and with the added filters you almost have to be a radio engineer to understand how to use them. Then there was the complaints about audio quality and Uniden improved that in a firmware update.

If only one user post a complaint and no one else adds to it because they already read about it after a search, then Uniden probably doesn't put much attention to it and thinks it only affects a small percentage of users. Only after a collective complaint have the SDS100 have it's issues addressed and the SDS200 got both a hardware and software change to at least try and hide the hum issue from the user. Also remember that not all people who buys a scanner will go into the RR website to get tips and tricks to better handle their scanner or do a report of their problems. So each addition from users on RR that have problems will add to the probablility that Uniden will address it.

And this has nothing to do with the OP's question.
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