I do appreciate the info on RFI. cheap usb cables, car computers, and everything else that can cause noise on a radio. But the fact of the matter is this noise has Not been an issue with all the other scanners I've had in this vehicle with the same driving conditions.
I know that analog is noisy. I know interference can and will be picked up on such a receiver. But the problem is the crackling static is so much more pronounced (compared to all other scanners I've had in the car) that it distracts from the voice transmissions. Maybe it's just my old ears. Listen to the attached and see what you think.
The attached recording is while driving in the car only a couple miles from KenCom towers, scanner in hand with stock antenna and nothing attached, and all electronics off (other than car running in motion). And this is Not the worst I've heard. But it does at least, to my ears, really exaggerate the noise to me.
So this is pretty much my last complaint of the issue from me. Just wanted to post this audio and if you all think I'm crazy. It's cool. I already have my 996p2 back in the car and barely notice any static. I'll just carry along the SDS100 once in awhile for digital listening.
Thanks again all!
Yep...that's analog all right! Sounds the same as my other 3 handheld scanners, but a 996P2 is a mobile/desktop, which will never sound the same. I understand it quite easily, and all my scanners I use Volume Offset to +3 to give it the maximum volume if needed.