I live about 1/4-mile from a cell tower. No noticeable issues so far with receiving 800MHz from the next county.
Exactly. Squeezing the most life out of a lithium battery takes a little effort. My phone's alarms remind me to plug in and unplug, because my S8+ has a battery that can't be easily replaced, and I don't buy phones every year, so I have to think about battery life. It won't be as crucial on a scanner with a battery you can replace in 20 seconds, but still, money is money.
I do not believe that is true for Lithium. And, if you only charge the cell to 3.7V you are probably only giving it a 20-30% charge.
Charge Process:
1. Charge at a constant 700 mA until the charge voltage reaches 4.2V (which is approximately 60% full).
2. Continue to charge at a constant 4.2V until the charge current reaches 100mA, then stop charging (close to 100% full).
Once charge stops, battery voltage will quickly drop below 4.2V (normal, even if the battery is not being used for power).
Can you use the scanner without a battery installed with just DC via USB?
I listen to Air band VHF and UHF daily, Using the SDS100 did not go well today, intermod and hanging on most channels. I don't know if I can improve it some or not.
The other odd thing for me is its showing a Con+ system with a network Id of 99h, on DSD and the 436hp it shows Network Id of 153....
Yes, either port will power [emoji3]
Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
The scanner comes with a lithium battery has has way more capacity than 3 AAs. Prior to release, some people were whining that the unit didn't use AAs. I was just pointing out that that was a stupid thing to ask for, given the power requirements of the unit.
Did you have the "intermod and hanging on most channels" problem before with the 436? Were they sharing the same antenna?
I thought I remember Upman saying in one of the earlier threads, the x36 series outperformed the SDS100 on some analog systems.
Someone actually threw in NiCad at one time too. [emoji38]
What was that 44 moment? The 80s want their battery technology back.
Sounds more like an alpha unit to me. [emoji3]Jason I have seen beta units with no case just boards on a desk wired together
Could you have imagined if I showed them this in my very first beta unit?!
Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
AKJohnny, monitor any Chicago Center, O'Hare or Midway stuff??? If yes, how does it do on the aviation band? Asking for a friend ;-)
The pager transmissions from that tower spam the entire VHF band on some of my Baofeng radios. But they don't bother my Uniden scanners unless monitoring a frequency within about 200KHz of the pager frequency.