SDS100/SDS200: SDS200 Programming help


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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2020
Monroe County, NY
Draw yourself a flow chart of what you want to program.
The first column is for favorite lists, go by location or service type etc. the next column is for systems (P25, DMR, conv freq.) the next is for Depts (FD, PD, EMS) and the last is for Talk Groups or channels (Freq.).

Favorite list 0 Home, System 0 P25, Dept. 0 FD-Talk group OPs 1 Dispatch TG=Channel on scanner display
FD-Talk group OPs 2 Operations
Dept. 1 PD-Talk group Dispatch
PD-Talk group Tac1

This would one favorite with one system, two depts and four Talk groups.
You can add another system if you like or more depts and TG's. I would set the Q-keys for Favorite list 0 Home, System 0 Public Safety, and Dept 0 for FD and Dept 1 for PD. The Talk groups (Channels) do not get keys.
Pressing Q-key 0.0.0E would toggle the FD on or off.
Pressing Q Key 0.0.0E would toggle the PD on or off.
Pressing Key 0E would turn on or off the entire Favorite list Home.
If you only have one favorite and one system active you can simply press ..1E and that will toggle the PD on or off.
I have 7 county systems set up, each as its own favorite, I use the same structure for all the county's, The Fire Depts are all Key 0, Law enforcement keys are all 1 and EMS keys are all 2 and so on, this simplifies things and makes remembering keys easier.
Once you set the structure up and start usings Q-keys you won't know how you managed without them.
I also have everything set to monitor on in Sentinel, this takes longer to load on startup, but a pressing a few keys and you can go anyplace you want. You can use the Q-key status page in the profile editor to have whichever favorite(s) you want scanning on startup. I only have my
local county set to run and turn anything else on as needed.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 9, 2022
I looked at this and I picked Dayton as the spot and there as usual come sabout fify=teen sites that are not IN DAYTON, so what do I have to do to get rid of these. I no longer have any scanner friends who are able to program, just pass and SD card around problem id I dont want an SDS11 profile and all the stuff he has. Im this close to selling them all and at age 72 Chuck it.


Apr 4, 2004
I looked at this and I picked Dayton as the spot and there as usual come sabout fify=teen sites that are not IN DAYTON, so what do I have to do to get rid of these. I no longer have any scanner friends who are able to program, just pass and SD card around problem id I dont want an SDS11 profile and all the stuff he has. Im this close to selling them all and at age 72 Chuck it.
I’m in Ohio. If you want to mail the SD card to me with a list of what you want to hear, I’ll program the card and mail it back. Send me a private message if you want and I’ll give you my address.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 22, 2007
Eastside of Lake WA
I looked at this and I picked Dayton as the spot and there as usual come sabout fify=teen sites that are not IN DAYTON, so what do I have to do to get rid of these. I no longer have any scanner friends who are able to program, just pass and SD card around problem id I dont want an SDS11 profile and all the stuff he has. Im this close to selling them all and at age 72 Chuck it.
Location control is your friend.
Set your location accurately (zip code or manually enter in profile) and put your global range (in profile) to 0.
Any site out of range will be ignored and you need not worry about them.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 9, 2022
I’m in Ohio. If you want to mail the SD card to me with a list of what you want to hear, I’ll program the card and mail it back. Send me a private message if you want and I’ll give you my address.
I appreciate the offer BUT I own a 536 an dtwo SDS200 I really need a short tutorial like on the phone so I can do this myself at 72 years old Im sure im not the sharpest tack in the box but in the past I figured it out, as for location Ive tried to do that yet I still get areas not in MONTGOMERY county and here the kicker when the Dayton Ohio tornado came though a few years ago , since we are in the NEW Tornado belt and I can monitor fire as an ex volunteer I want to hear what weather is coming my way come spring and such so I dont just want a sd cars I need very specific Im tryin to do Montgomery cty OHIO using Marcs public saferty. Fire and ems Dayton Ohio Ill try setting location to 1 mile again, and I will reply with a BIG thanks to inform all of success.!!


Apr 4, 2004
I appreciate the offer BUT I own a 536 an dtwo SDS200 I really need a short tutorial like on the phone so I can do this myself at 72 years old Im sure im not the sharpest tack in the box but in the past I figured it out, as for location Ive tried to do that yet I still get areas not in MONTGOMERY county and here the kicker when the Dayton Ohio tornado came though a few years ago , since we are in the NEW Tornado belt and I can monitor fire as an ex volunteer I want to hear what weather is coming my way come spring and such so I dont just want a sd cars I need very specific Im tryin to do Montgomery cty OHIO using Marcs public saferty. Fire and ems Dayton Ohio Ill try setting location to 1 mile again, and I will reply with a BIG thanks to inform all of success.!!
Best of luck to you!


Premium Subscriber
Jan 22, 2007
Eastside of Lake WA
I appreciate the offer BUT I own a 536 an dtwo SDS200 I really need a short tutorial like on the phone so I can do this myself at 72 years old Im sure im not the sharpest tack in the box but in the past I figured it out, as for location Ive tried to do that yet I still get areas not in MONTGOMERY county and here the kicker when the Dayton Ohio tornado came though a few years ago , since we are in the NEW Tornado belt and I can monitor fire as an ex volunteer I want to hear what weather is coming my way come spring and such so I dont just want a sd cars I need very specific Im tryin to do Montgomery cty OHIO using Marcs public saferty. Fire and ems Dayton Ohio Ill try setting location to 1 mile again, and I will reply with a BIG thanks to inform all of success.!!

This is all done in Sentinel
  1. Make sure location control is turned ON for the favorite list in question.
  2. Look in your profile - is the GPS coordinates correct? If not, set it correctly.
  3. The RANGE in your profile needs to be set to a low number: 1 or 0 is a good place to start.
  4. If you know how, open the favorite list in question and look at the individual site(s) location tab(s). Are they a reasonable number? If they seem high, you can change them. I would recommend making a note of what it was set for, in case you want to set it back to where it was. Also, if, in the future, you ever append to this list, the sites will be changed back to what they are in the database (if changed).
  5. Remember, the global range (in profile) is additive. Say the global range is set to 10 and the site has 30. Your 'effective' range would then be 40. That is why you set the global range to a low number.
  6. Remember to WRITE to the radio after all this, or these changes will not be in the radio.
Again, by using location control correctly, it doesn't matter if there are a hundred sites for a system - only the ones in range will be scanned.

Easier to Read SDS100/200 Digital Scanner Manual


Premium Subscriber
Sep 9, 2022
OMG a fresh start a new Day got it THANKS so much to all you who helped its searching so I need to put in some talk groups I can do that but its only scanning DAYTON maybe greene every now now Miami Fine tuning THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Premium Subscriber
Sep 9, 2022
Just in case anyone else has a problem a lot of my mistakes were not with Sentinel it was after trying to scan as one said location location location and distance and then I figured out to scan not search, old scanner tech came in handy , I kinda miss the older 50 channel scanner One channel one department I can hardly wait to see what Phase two will be like if it here in my lifetime, LOL