bpckty1 said:
Monitor your local PD, School PD (if they have one), County Sheriff, and State PD. One or more of them should have frequencies/talkgroups active for the event.
Agreed. Traffic analysis is interesting even if you don't know what is being said. If you notice USSS frequencies active, it can be a tip off.
I remember when Clinton used to frequent Moffett Federal Airfield. The NASA/Ames TRS was _far_ more valuable than the encrypted stuff. The N/A PD forces would get very real time updates as to the arrival of the airplane.
One time while I was waiting for AF1 to land, I was on the wrong side of the street. The local PD made me cross the street. About 5 minutes later a cruiser stopped by, rolled down windows and asked _me_ for a presidential update.
I asked if I could cross the street, he said no, and so did I. I was joke and told him the answer as he drove away...