First of all, credit goes to tkowalik for their effort and multiple posts documenting the debug and general solution set. I simply built upon this work and their observations.
I have two SDS-200's each of which exhibited the speaker noise out of the box (reported in this thread: The following is the solution that worked on my two units.
1. Remove the four (4) screws rear panel that secure the outer black casing.
2. Slide the outer black casing back approximately two (2) inches.
3. Using Scotch 3M double-sided tape (UPC 051131769960; I took one square (each 'sheet' in the Scotch package has four pre-cut squares) and cut it in half. Approximate dimensions of 1" by 0.5 ".
3. On the shield on the top side of the unit I attached the two cut square pieces. I only peeled off the tape on the side mounted to the shield. Note: see attached photo for placement on the shield. I found the best results were achieved when the attachments were made closer to the center versus near the outer edges.
4. I placed a piece of black electrical vinyl tape over the top of the front panel (to protect it from getting scratched in the Step 6.).
5. Slide the outer black casing forward to near the edge of the attached double sided tape.
6. I used a plastic flat tool (used for tuning RF circuits like slugs and coils), carefully inserted under the lip of the outer black casing, gently prying up enough to start over the two attached double sided tapes, then gently slide the outer black casing completely forward into its original position.
7. Reverse Step 1.
8. Reverse Step 4.
After the above, both units were noise free and I am once again a happy camper after a $1400 investment.
On the first unit, I did a lot of testing and attempted other solutions - as well as attempted to debug the source. I will share this information in a post later this evening.
Once again THANK YOU to tkowalik for identifying this solution.
I have two SDS-200's each of which exhibited the speaker noise out of the box (reported in this thread: The following is the solution that worked on my two units.
1. Remove the four (4) screws rear panel that secure the outer black casing.
2. Slide the outer black casing back approximately two (2) inches.
3. Using Scotch 3M double-sided tape (UPC 051131769960; I took one square (each 'sheet' in the Scotch package has four pre-cut squares) and cut it in half. Approximate dimensions of 1" by 0.5 ".
3. On the shield on the top side of the unit I attached the two cut square pieces. I only peeled off the tape on the side mounted to the shield. Note: see attached photo for placement on the shield. I found the best results were achieved when the attachments were made closer to the center versus near the outer edges.
4. I placed a piece of black electrical vinyl tape over the top of the front panel (to protect it from getting scratched in the Step 6.).
5. Slide the outer black casing forward to near the edge of the attached double sided tape.
6. I used a plastic flat tool (used for tuning RF circuits like slugs and coils), carefully inserted under the lip of the outer black casing, gently prying up enough to start over the two attached double sided tapes, then gently slide the outer black casing completely forward into its original position.
7. Reverse Step 1.
8. Reverse Step 4.
After the above, both units were noise free and I am once again a happy camper after a $1400 investment.
On the first unit, I did a lot of testing and attempted other solutions - as well as attempted to debug the source. I will share this information in a post later this evening.
Once again THANK YOU to tkowalik for identifying this solution.