I was wondering when I hear skip on my scanner (VHF low and high) on the freqs that my city police or fire department use, do they hear the skip too? Since i'm hearing it, wouldn't they?
If you have programmed in the pl or dpl in your scanner than yes
Sent from my iPhone yes iPhone using Tapatalk app thingy
What does programming PL or DPL in his scanner have to do with whether or not the police hear it?
Now the correct answer; the only way they can hear "foreign" transmissions is if they by sheer coincidence use the same PL or DPL. The odds against are nearly astronomical considering all possible PL tones and DPL codes so a safe answer is no, they don't hear them.
Most of the skip I hear comes over my Uniden BC350C, with that scanner, too listen to select freqs (and what I do) all what you do is choose a freq from a pre-programed freq bands and program it into the private bank. There is no PL or DPL codes shown, so am guessing it does it automatically? Or maybe it doesn't do those codes and it receives everyone who uses that certain freq?