There are many IG licenses on MURS channels near me. For example have several businesses in my area licensed for 154.6. (MURS 5/Blue dot). I have always wondered why they overlap like that.
There are 77 active licenses nationwide for the green dot, 154.6 (the blue dot is actually 154.57) and it looks like they are mostly included in licenses that have other non-MURS frequencies. But not all of them. And judging by the renewal dates, I'd venture a guess that the original license was granted before the MURS was created and some unscrupulous office manager has just been paying the bills not knowing that in most, if not all of those cases, the radios that were being used on that frequency are probably long gone and the frequency isn't even being used. Especially the fast food restaurants. I think they all moved to spread spectrum. Business band renewals are only every 10 years.