I was looking for something i can run on my PC (windows 10) or my Fire HD
I was looking for something i can run on my PC (windows 10) or my Fire HD
"Now that I have the 1.10 firmware on my R30 the RT Systems errors at the end of the communications/get data from radio function. Anyone else having the same problem?"
Yes - having issues also. CTCSS and operating mode for example, will no load from RT. Tech support said to download data from the ICOM after firmware update. I usually do this with their various software packages but did not correct data errors on reloading. I let them know....
I'm not sure what fixed it. But I can import into RT Systems now. Check your communications/Adjust sending speed/fast is selected. On the radio go to function/USB Connect/Serialport.
I found none of my gps data came in, just the gps memory bank name. Also had a problem in scan edges where the RFG all came in as RFG1 instead of RFGMAX. The mode was lost in 13cm settings with scan edges. I have reported this to RT Systems.
I was having a communication problem after all the updates. I had to Get data from Radio first , then I was able to send data.
Yes, I reported it to them this morning. Domenic said a fix should be out today. Try running the updater.
5.00.17 fixed the issue I reported. You should probably report your findings as well.I can't get "WFM" or "AM" to be set from RTS sotware - appears to stay stuck at FM. Tried software update but tells me all files are up to date. Ver 5.00.17
As this or similar problems have already been reported to RTS, I've not reported to problem again.
but I have still had to repove the USB plug to "unlock" the R30 and continue. Good to know they are aware of these problems and working on them.
But it only works in serialport mode - the RT Systems does not use the SD card mode that the Butel software uses.
Even with the new version, operating mode etc will not download correctly from the radio to the RT software's new version.
RT Systems just released 5.00.20 and it fixes a lot. I reported some minor things back to support, otherwise it looks pretty good.