Can we maybe start a wiki page or a sticky post that lists CHP divisions' unit's call signs?
For example, Khaki units are 118 with 5X (51,52,...) patrolling the I580, 51 is patrolling the Eden Canyon to Airway, and 53 unit patrolling from Tracy border to Vasco, 52 unit is covering 680 to Vasco when 52 is in service. Typically at night there are 2 5X units, 51 and 53, unless there's extra units on shift.
6X units patrol the I680, I've heard 64,65,68 but their routes are not as clear to me.
Hayward division is 25, with 70-75 typically assigned.
Castro Valley division is 143, with 10,30,31,580,581 typically assigned.
Redwood City division is 91, I think.
Dispatcher would say, "118-51, 11-25 debris westbound 580 west of 680, blocking the 2 (2nd lane) is a chair".
Anyone know what the division numbers are for the rest of Bay Area? In particular for now I'd like to know Oakland and San Jose.
A separate question, can anyone tell me what this phrase means when a vehicle is going to get towed/seized "Taken for G (George)" or sometimes P Paul, F Frank, and a few others.