Ok, I've looked at TV splitters and spec sheets etc. They are listing features like port to port isolation, dc path to one output or all outputs, and something called "Diode Steered". There's a few youtube videos about splitting coax signals for tv and cable to understand the concept of db loss. So I understand the basics. Does anyone have any idea good or bad if "Diode steered splitters" will work for a multi scanner setup? Basically using a splitter you have loss of signal and the port to port interference. So isolation numbers up around 20db or more sounds great. I understand how a diode works but are we only talking about the lnb dc power only or does the diode help isolate the scanners on the return loss as well? This idea would be a four or more scanner receive only setup with one antenna. Before anyone suggests a Stridsberg I know, they are good and people get great results from them. I'm just trying to disect the numbers and features of all the cheap tv/satellite splitters and maybe learn more about the differences.