Silent Key Jan. 14, 2012
RR Wiki has a screen shot of Win96 Extended Trunking tables for STARS.
fmon said:Get the upgrade pc-medic.
LEH said:I think I have found part of the problem. The software has STARS set for MOT VHF/UHF, I changed it to P25 Auto, but I am still not seeing the "T" when the system scans. However, when I do an analyze of the TSYS, I am getting about 70% decode, but it still takes upwards of 15 seconds to show the data.
Lynn, my PC generates interference so I use Att and get two CC much better, I've also set the noise threshold to 45 from 20. Getting nearly all traffic (about 95-97%) from start to finish. Also on STAT. Gonna make a run up the road soon so will test it with 800 ducky with these settings.n4jri said:70% is pretty good for STARS. I've never had more than 74% on the PRO-96. I want to say I got some better percentages on the 500 test radio but not drastically better.
You should definitely be in P25 Auto, but what are your multisite settings right now?
73/Allen (N4JRI)
You will need to stay off of Att. I don't use it much away from this machine.LEH said:Frank,
I set the att to on for my STARS and the decode goes from mid to upper 70's to 60% almost immediate drop.
Correct. However, if I change to ROAM, the hi lo values that are in my scanner work better then default values.Correct me if I am wrong, but the threshold is only available with ROAM and not STAT.
He he, you deserve what ya got. :twisted:Allen, when I had the wrong setting for the STARS system, I was only getting like 10% or less.