Sticky Thread For Mid-Atlantic MilAir 2020

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 29, 2003
So the aircraft that were coming in the last two days (I was there taking photos :D) are doing Quick National Guard Drop offs and either going home or going back for more (in the case of the ELVIS today).

GOFER97,98,99, PROPS91 came in from Joplin MO.
ELVIS77,88,99 Did round Robin from Smyna TN.
SODA51,52,53,54 came in from Knoxville, TN.

Far as I know, the 82nd airborne is still here. They rode in on the RCH10XX C-17s (11-12) on Mon/Tue.

You can see the last two days worth of photos here: usertim1683


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
So the aircraft that were coming in the last two days (I was there taking photos :D) are doing Quick National Guard Drop offs and either going home or going back for more (in the case of the ELVIS today).

GOFER97,98,99, PROPS91 came in from Joplin MO.
ELVIS77,88,99 Did round Robin from Smyna TN.
SODA51,52,53,54 came in from Knoxville, TN.

Far as I know, the 82nd airborne is still here. They rode in on the RCH10XX C-17s (11-12) on Mon/Tue.

You can see the last two days worth of photos here: usertim1683

Nice pics. Nice to see pics that go along with what I'm hearing. I see Titus 52 is still in his Embassy paint job.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
Today's logs

((Times are EST))

((Some acft idents from ADS-B Exchange website Some logs taken from LiveATC feeds))

ADW: ((A/D 118.95/257.2, 125.65/348.725, tower 118.4/349.0))

0730- Navy 100 (C-37 # 166377 AE151A VR-1) off ADW heading south.

0910- Brave 1 (F-16 121st FS DC ANG) land at ADW.

1000- Reach 361T (C-17 # 09-9211 AE49C7 ) off ADW heading northeast. Worked ZDC Woodstown (125.45)

1252- SAM 791 (C-32 # 98-0002 ADFEB8 1st AS) off ADW heading southwest.

1320- Gofer 99 ,Gofer 97 & Gofer 04 (C-130 # 96-1006 ADFEA9, #96-1007 ADFEAA & #96-1004 ADEFA7 all MN ANG 133AW/109AS Minneapolis-St Paul MN) off ADW heading northwest.

1422- Elvis 99 (C-17 # 00-0176 AE0812 155th AS, TN ANG, Memphis TN) land at ADW. Came in from Nashville TN.

1450- Reach 1965 (C-130J # 16-5887 AE61FF 19th AW Little Rock AFB AR) land at ADW. Came in from Little Rock.

1552- Elvis 78 (C-17 # 93-0600 AE07DA 155th AS, TN ANG, Memphis TN) off ADW heading southwest.

1620- Soda 52 (KC-135R # 59-1478 AE04E5 134th ARW, TN ANG McGhee Tyson Knoxville TN) off ADW heading southwest.

1635- Soda 53 (KC-135R # 58-0119 AE016F 134th ARW, TN ANG McGhee Tyson Knoxville TN) land at ADW. Departs ADW at 1725 heading southwest.

1735- Elvis 77 (C-17 # 95-0104 AE07E7155th AS, TN ANG, Memphis TN) depart SDW heading southwest.

PAX: ((A/D 120.05/121.0/250.3/281.8/314.0 Bay Watch 119.275/256.5/270.8/305.2/354.8/355.8))

1030-Score 92 AE2FD2 (MQ-3) at FL240 orbiting east of Pittsburgh.

1040-Score 42 AE5C71 (MQ-4 )up at FL500. Orbiting just off the MD/VA coast

1130- Pioneer 08 (P-8 Poseidon # 167955 AE2230 VX-1) off PAX heading west. Return to PAX at 1800 coming in from Tinker AFB OK.

1310- Score 70 (E-6B # 164410 AE041C VX-20) off PAX local area ops. Worked ZDC Patuxent (133.9)

1400- Agony 19 (E-6B TACAMO # 162784 AE040F VQ-4 Det) off PAX heading northeast. At 1412 (on 311.0) Plow Board (E-6B) reports "off deck at this time" to stn Bad Blood. Then QSL's to stn Hand Row. On 311.0 at 1419 Plow Board broadcasts 30 character EAM DH6TVQ. At this time E-6B is off the NJ coast.

DOV: ((A/D 132.425/257.875 tower 126.35/279.625 CP 349.4))

1550- Hagar 17 (C-5M # 85-0008 AE0565 9th AS) off ADW heading west.

MTN: ((121.3/254.425 tower, Raven Ops 275.7))

1600- Colt flt (A-10Cs 104th FS MD ANG MTN) check in w/Harrisburg (281.525) for entry into the Kiowa MOA (Ft Indiantown Gap PA). Working discrete (266.6).

Weide AAF/Phillips AAF: ((126.2/229.4, 126.15/229.6))

0900- Toxic 62 (C-12 # 96-00112 ADFF00 Army Chemical/Biological Cmd APG MD) off Phillips heading southwest. Check in w/PTC (118.95)


710- AME 3210 (Spanish AF A-400 T23-50 3532C3) off DOV heading west. Working ZDC Woodstown (125.45)

0945- Coast Guard 101 (C-37 # 101 AE10C1 CGAS Wash/DCA) off DCA heading northeast. Worked ZDC Dupont (132.525)

1040- Pack 91 (KC-46 # 18-4607 AE5F9A 133rd ARS, NH ANG Pease ANGB NH) transit area heading southwest. Worked ZNY Harrisburg (133.475) & ZDC Pinion (133.975). At 1714 working ZDC Pinion (133.975) & ZNY Harrisburg (132.2) transiting back through the area coming from San Antonio TX heading northeast.

1100- Spur 71 (KC-135R # 62-3544 AE05A7 141 ARS - NJ ANG WRI) coming from Fairchild AFB WA working ZNY Harrisburg (133.47) heading towards WRI.

1550- Reach 451 (C-17 # 03-3123 AE1234 167th AS WVA ANG Martinsburg WVA ) off Martinsburg heading southwest.

1740- Baton 51 (EC-130J #00-1934 AE067A 193rd SOG PA ANG) heading over NJ out to probably W107/108 or W386. Worked ZDC Casino (127.7)


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC
AF1 heads north tomorrow, scheduled departure of 12:20 for Bangor Maine, visiting Bangor and Guilford, before heading home to ADW at 5:30pm


Premium Subscriber
Nov 28, 2004
Southern Maine
AF1 about to land in Bangor now. (1753z) He passed just West of my house. Started to cloud up here. I heard it but couldn't see it. I also have an E-3 AWACS circling very close to me callsign SENTRY26 78-0578 / AE11E6. Have been hearing the back end, WIZARD ALPHA working HUNTRESS many times on 320.6 303.1 and 364.2 so far. Even caught him on signal stalker once! Gotta love that! So far, I'm not hearing any CAP fighters. Not sure if there is going to be any. Thanks for the heads up Guys.


Jan 5, 2004
A-10 WARDOG1 78-0640 flight of two is RTB from Evers MOA. 322.55
1525- To 120.45. Deviating for a buildup.

1528- AXEMAN1 120.45 to 128.525
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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
1750- AME 3120 (Spanish AF A-400 T23-05) transiting area heading east. Worked ZOB Indian Head (132.125) & ZNY Harrisburg (133.475). Pssing Harrisburg PA & descending & heading towards Dover. RON there?????
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 25, 2003
Central NJ
Just heard some weak chatter on SAM interplane 292.8 at 1750 local....looks like they're all heading back south.
09-0015 and 82-8000 along with SENTRY 26 just broke his pattern now heading south.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 28, 2004
Southern Maine
Heads Up - AF1 on the return now. Just had him and the C-32 09-0015 air to air on 292.8 discussing weather and options for their return flight. I haven't heard that frequency used in a long time! Nice to know they still use it. The C-32 dropped into Pease while waiting for AF1 to get back up in the air. I logged SENTRY 26 front and back end on several occasions working ZBW and Huntress. I had BLUE and TABOR flight pass through this morning returning the remaining F-35s to Hill AFB on the radios. All in all, a good monitoring day for the quiet Northeast.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
Today's Logs

((Times are EST))

((Some acft idents from ADS-B Exchange website Some logs taken from LiveATC feeds))

ADW: ((A/D 118.95/257.2, 125.65/348.725, tower 118.4/349.0))

.0719- SAM 769 (C-37 # 97-0401 AE010E 89rth AS) off ADW heading north. Landed at Harrisburg PA.

1445- SAM 856 (C-37 # 09-0525 AE4A81 89th AS) land at ADW. Came in from St Louis MO.

1650-1730 Torch 11 & Torch 12 (C-130 # 94-6703 ADFDE8 & # 94-6702 ADFDE7 both 169TH AS IL ANG PEORIA IL) land at ADW. Came in from Indianapolis. IN. Torch 85 (ADS-B shows callsign as Torch 11) depart ADW at 1800. Worked Griffin CP (378.1) w/departure msg. Torch 85 heading southwest.

1817- SAM 45 (C-32 # 09-0015 AE4AE6 1st AS) working ZNY Harrisburg (133.475) & ZDC Woodstown (125.45) on way back to ADW. Was Air Force 1 back-up today.

PAX: ((A/D 120.05/121.0/250.3/281.8/314.0 Bay Watch 119.275/256.5/270.8/305.2/354.8/355.8))

1045- Warlock 5 (NP-3 # 158510 AE1D00 VX-1) off PAX heading south. Went down to Newport News VA area for local ops then RTB PAX.

1855- Allow 27 (E-6B TACAMO # 162783 AE040E VQ-4 Det) coming in off the Atlantic. Worked Shado Maintenance (310.15) w/inbound msg prior to landing.

DOV: ((A/D 132.425/257.875 tower 126.35/279.625 CP 349.4))

1538- Reach 875 (C-5M # 85-0005 AE0562 9th AS) off DOV heading west.

1440- Reach 704 (C-5M # 84-0061 AE055C 9th AS) land at DOV. Came in from Ramstein AB GE.

MTN: ((121.3/254.425 tower, Raven Ops 275.7))

Wardog flt (A-10Cs (104th FS MD ANG) working on discrete ( 293.3) in Evers MOA.

Weide AAF/Phillips AAF: ((126.2/229.4, 126.15/229.6))


1025- Coast Guard 101 (C-37 # 101 AE10C1 CGAS Wash/DCA) off DCA heading south.

1027- Baton 20 (EC-130J # 99-1933 AE04A0 193rd SOG PA ANG Harrisburg PA) off Harrisburg heading west.

1050- Decoy 47 (C-17 # 94-0070 AE07E4 167th AS WVA ANG Martinsburg WVA) off Martinsburg heading northwest.

1615- Army 338 (Dash-8 # 15-00338 AE568F Manassas) w/PTC (125.65) advising will RTB Manassas due to incoming wx.

1750- AME 3120 (Spanish AF A-400 T23-05) transiting area heading east. Worked ZOB Indian Head (132.125) & ZNY Harrisburg (133.475).


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
1040- Dive 33 (E-6B TACAMO # 162783 AE0404E VQ-4 Det) off PAX heading west.

1050- Pack 91 (KC-46 Pegasus # 18-46047 AE5F9A ) transiting area heading southwest. Worked ZNY Kennedy (125.325) & ZNY Harrisburg (133.475).

1057- acft 801 on 136.275 AM. Advises unheard stn that they are climbing as quickly as they can and " there's been a lack of excitement" today.
At 1104 801 calls 800 and advises they are ready to downlink.

1115- Gonna be a Castle day today. Three of them just left Newcastle.
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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
1320- Limo 203 (DHS acft) working Potomac (118.95). At same time unid acft working on discrete (136.275 AM)

1345- CAP Flight 1801 (Civil Air Patrol, Martin State) working on CAP Air #1 (149.275 FM)
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