To be announced later this week, all local flying at USAFE bases here in Europe will be suspendend for some time .....
I never did find the McGuire jet A/A. The 311.3 i'm pretty sure were the EDDIE jets.
Must be same over here. I didn't log any USAF or ArNG flts today. Not even VIP flts. Only one I heard was Coast Guard acft departing ADW.
Listening now. SPUR 82 is up just South of Nova Scotia catching up to REACH 276 as they both will be waiting for SPUR 81 to catch up to them. Sounds like much confusion with Moncton Center and the flight. Caught some brief comms on 258.0 (Coronet 31 C Secondary Atlantic) between SPUR 82 and REACH 276 complaining about them being 49 minutes late. Don't know what the deal is with SPUR 81, he may be the guy in your screenshot.Anyone have this? I am newly returning to the hobby since the lock down has started. Looks like they are doing laps out there?
I don't hear anything thought. Just curious what I should expect to hear if any.
Thanks Rene. Unfortunately, we're in the middle of a snowstorm tonight. Supposed to get 6-10". It should be over by morning so they might take off on time. Unfortunately I will be at work.German AF fighters departing tomorrow from Bangor at 1200z.
I saw that. Long distance for a regular training mission. It's snowing here now anyway. Why not go down to NC, I would if I could!Maine 86 KC135 from 132nd ARS Bangor ME doing circles around MCAS Cherry Point tonight
Thanks yocuz. Must have gone home for some reason.SPUR 81 on with McGuire Tower 118.65
I saw that. Long distance for a regular training mission. It's snowing here now anyway. Why not go down to NC, I would if I could!
MarkSlow day but DVID posted today Vid of the local 113Wg Capitol Guardians deperting Andrews March Sat March 14.
On freeze frame on aircraft coming out of hangar see two type missiles on wing.
Looks like AIM-120 Sidewinder missile on outside pylons but not sure of large fin missile on inside wing mount.
Seems to have a small smart eye on tip.