Nobles in the CAP 259.9 a/a; 247.050 refueling.
OOPS !! VIP Summary is for 18 Aug not 8 Aug
Weak chatter on NJANG 294.725 @1005L.
AirNJANG was back on the Ft. Drum Range this morning. Using the callsigns DEMON 11 and HADES 21.
note: DEMON is not listed as a 119th FS NJ ANG callsign on Ron's list
Just going over my morning tape here after work and Rgr on DEMON-11 and HADES 21 flights departing areaNJANG was back on the Ft. Drum Range this morning. Using the callsigns DEMON 11 and HADES 21.
I had SPORT chit chatting like crazy on 266.600 A/A earlier today. I posted a little of it on MI RR Milair.SPORT-01 flight of 4 departing Martin State 10:42 local.Nothing heard after that so must have went West perhaps.
Standard callsign for road trips for those A-10's.
Seems Maryland ANG A-10's are booked for Chicago Air/Water show this weekend.
Pretty good lineup
City of Chicago :: Chicago Air and Water Show Performers
Just going over my morning tape here after work and Rgr on DEMON-11 and HADES 21 flights departing area this morning.
ChuckI had SPORT chit chatting like crazy on 266.600 A/A earlier today. I posted a little of it on MI RR Milair.
Nice catch Chuck.. BTW what airport do the Mil guys stage for this Chicago watershow?I had SPORT chit chatting like crazy on 266.600 A/A earlier today. I posted a little of it on MI RR Milair.
Actually callsigns are NICE-23 and NICE-24 the tankers.Sometimes they chat it up A/A on Boom freq 247.05016:18 - Noble on 260.900 stating he had radar contact at 26,000.
16:29 - "924" called "923" on 247.050, the subsequent transmissions were interrupted by a mean and inconsiderate ham radio operator who had no clue I was trying to monitor another radio! I missed the subsequent transmissions. Could the three digit numbers be nose numbers or last three of tail number?
from Alexandria, VA