:!: :!: :!:
This whole thread is getting nuts. I have known of several cops who have participated, ON DUTY, with SKYWARN nets when threatening weather is in the area. IT IS ONLY ILLEGAL if routine police dispatching or police business are conducted over ham frequencies. IN AN EMERGENCY, however, I am aware of ham frequencies being used for police business! Several years ago, there was a train wreck in the Dayton, Miamisburg, West Carrollton, Moraine areas of Ohio. The train had some sort of gas escaping and residents of several municipalities had to be evacuated. The involved police and fire departments were not able to communicate with one another during this emergency. The ham clubs in the area were called in and a ham was placed in each cop car, fire truck, ambulance, dispatch center, etc., and emergency communications were successfully carried on between the various agencies involved in the evacuation efforts. Without the hams, USING HAM FREQUENCIES for EMERGENCY POLICE BUSINESS, these agencies could not talk to each other. There have also been times when communication systems in hospitals have gone down and hams were called in to keep communications going.
YOU JUST HAVE TO USE YOUR HEAD. If you are getting paid for you ham services, it is illegal. Hams are volunteers in emergencies. Many firemen and cops are hams. As long as ROUTINE business is NOT conducted on ham frequencies, the FCC is not going to come down on you.
And as for Teachers, Please see my earlier post on this citing FCC rules which ALLOW paid teachers to use ham radio in a classroom.
Some of you read too much into this.