As a former RadioShack employee with a friend that manages a store, I think we're seeing the final days of RadioShack catering to hobbyists. I thought the commercial was bittersweet. In many ways I want to be able to walk into that '80s store today, just updated with modern technology. Instead I think we'll be seeing the demise of the parts bins and spools of wire, etc.
Back around '99 or 2000 is when things started to really go south. I worked through the transition to irrelevance in those days and got so frustrated telling customers, "Sorry, we don't carry that anymore." We used to have working displays for CB, 10m, 2m, shortwave, scanners and car audio (including amplifiers). Now the only working display I know of is the scanner at my friend's store. He'd have a CB hooked up but they no longer sell base antennas or bulk coax.
Most people that used to visit RS order their parts online or drive a few miles to the nearest Fry's. People that shop there today just need a simple part or cable, a battery for their car's keyless fob or want to shop mobile phones. While they're there they might see the GPS display or their kids might pick up a set of earphones.