HI can someone tell me the difference between the PRO-197 and the PRO-652 also the PRO-106 and the PRO-651? Thank you Eric
The Pro-197 & Pro-652 are virtually the same scanner. Both will cover the same frequencies and system types, and use the same programming scheme. The Pro-106 and Pro-651 are also virtual twins. Operation, programming, and capabilities the same.
The differences: The Pro-106 and Pro-197 were manufactured by the now defunct GRE. The Pro-651 & Pro-652 are manufactured by Whistler. There are a few but insignificant hardware differences between the two manufacturers, chiefly due to certain components used by GRE being no longer available, the Whistler manufactured units using the current functional equivalent.
While the 651 & 651 are supposedly "current" models at Radio Shack, the indications from other posts indicate that The Shack is more or less abandoning the scanner business, no longer accepting units for repair and changing the warranty from the advertised (on the box and website) 12 months to one month. Unless you got a truly amazing deal, too good to pass up, you would have much better support buying the equivalent Whistler models, WS1040 & WS1065.