Besides the Baofengs, Wouxuns and Anytone radios I bought through Import Communications, all the rest will go in the trash can if and when they break. And I'm ok with that because they were cheap cheap cheap.
I'll try and play devils advocate here, as this very issue being discussed here is what is keeping me up late at night with trying to decide which should be my first radio....
For me, I guess it all depends in how much use you get out of chicom in the log run. Would spending $30 bucks (the more recent ones are up to $62 dollars) to only last a week be cheap?
Extreme scenario I know, but I also think of it this way...
Lets say I get one, it last a year or two and it breaks. Perfectly conceivable right? Well I will need a new radio won't I? So I spend another $30-65 bucks for another one. It lasts another year or so, I throw it in the trash and get another.....see my point. Either way you may end up spending that $150-200 bucks you were trying to initially avoid by getting a big boy brand.
I know big boys break too, but like others have said you may be able to get it repaired stateside. I know you said Yaesu did you wrong, but in all my time searching the internet and all the HAMs I have interacted with on-line and off-line, that has a big boy brand radio, has had it for many years and they continue to work as advertised!
With that said, I may very well end up with a chicom, mostly because I am licensed (just waiting on a call from the FCC) and I am anxious to put my hard earned privileges to use. I am not the most patient guy on earth and waiting to save up for one of the big three is not something I am looking forward to doing, but I may just end up doing that too. I admit I am
However, I am sure about this, I want something that works and last me a long time. If it does not, then I want some responsive customer support and a quality warranty. If after warranty something happens I realize I am on my own, but at least I want a good repair option. Everything I have read from BaoFeng Tech points to a warranty, but I have yet to run across anyone who has put Tech's words to the test?
When I emailed them, I got a vague response of, "we will look at it" if something were to go wrong while under warranty. Not the most reassuring response.....
Anyhow, I have gone on long enough, sorry for the dissertation Mr.G, not rying to clog your thread up man.

Just had to get some thoughts out of my head and the posts on here were in-line with what they were.