• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

The New Bao Mobile Radios

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Oct 4, 2015
There are a LOT of Wouxun users out there who discovered this when the uvd1p series "suicide chip" fired. Lost all 3 of mine.

If such intentional self-destruction was built in, you could rightfully file a complaint to consumer protection agencies and other government organizations to have all such radios banned from the US. Did you contact the company, filed complaints or took any action against the company?


Mar 1, 2003
Like I said, let's see how this works out 5 years from now. When I say "repair center" I don't mean we'll send you a new radio while under warranty, but a place in the USA to send a radio for repair the day the warranty expires. There are many repair centers in the USA who will repair Icoms, Kenwoods, & Yaesus who are not affiliated with the big 3. The term "it would cost more to repair the radio than it's worth" does not exist with them. One such company is SAR.
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Millennial Graying OBT Guy
Jun 16, 2013
You should ask them. They only provided 2 email address and there is a map on their website, but that's it.

If you locate the Anytone 8R-Series threads, you'll discover there is no PO box number but they are run out of the post office there (and the postmaster has never heard of them).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Dec 19, 2002
Wichita Falls, TX
If you locate the Anytone 8R-Series threads, you'll discover there is no PO box number but they are run out of the post office there (and the postmaster has never heard of them).
Are you suggesting that MrGClips should actually read posts that were made before he joined last month? Shame on you!


Oct 4, 2015
Are you suggesting that MrGClips should actually read posts that were made before he joined last month? Shame on you!

:D ... OK, so I ASKED THEM about it directly!

First I've tried to use their online contact form, because last time they wrote back to me that probably I made a mistake, so this time I recorded it on video to show that the form is NOT working. Then I sent them a direct email as follows:

".... Hi!

I’ve double-checked your online contact form, but it doesn’t work at all!

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeUoEoyHHbc

I wanted to ask your actual and factual repair service center address, because the question came up and some local guys in the area never even heard of your company.

So, I’m just wondering; what IS your actual and factual repair service center address with phone numbers and such? What is that vague no-address address on your website anyhow and why no full contact is included? :-/

Thank you. ..."

Well? I'll post an update if I get a reply. :)

Ps: I want to make it clear that I'm NOT, in any way, form or shape, associated with this company.


Oct 4, 2015
They only honor warranty if you purchased the radio from them. Buy off Ebay or another dealer on Amazon and Baofeng Tech can't help you if it breaks.

Very simple; buy from them directly.

Actually it's kind o' funny that now the Chinese have to worry about other Chinese companies replicating and selling THEIR knock-off fake radios after they knocked off some other brands! :D


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
For many if not most of the Baofeng and Wouxun radios in the US, yes. If you didn't buy it from a US retailer that will honor the warranty then it cost more than the radio did new to return to China for repair. Even if he repair is under warranty and free. Besides the Baofengs, Wouxuns and Anytone radios I bought through Import Communications, all the rest will go in the trash can if and when they break. And I'm ok with that because they were cheap cheap cheap.

Then what. Radio has to fly to China for repair?


Dec 19, 2011
Echo Mike Two-Seven
Besides the Baofengs, Wouxuns and Anytone radios I bought through Import Communications, all the rest will go in the trash can if and when they break. And I'm ok with that because they were cheap cheap cheap.

I'll try and play devils advocate here, as this very issue being discussed here is what is keeping me up late at night with trying to decide which should be my first radio....

For me, I guess it all depends in how much use you get out of chicom in the log run. Would spending $30 bucks (the more recent ones are up to $62 dollars) to only last a week be cheap?

Extreme scenario I know, but I also think of it this way...

Lets say I get one, it last a year or two and it breaks. Perfectly conceivable right? Well I will need a new radio won't I? So I spend another $30-65 bucks for another one. It lasts another year or so, I throw it in the trash and get another.....see my point. Either way you may end up spending that $150-200 bucks you were trying to initially avoid by getting a big boy brand.

I know big boys break too, but like others have said you may be able to get it repaired stateside. I know you said Yaesu did you wrong, but in all my time searching the internet and all the HAMs I have interacted with on-line and off-line, that has a big boy brand radio, has had it for many years and they continue to work as advertised!

With that said, I may very well end up with a chicom, mostly because I am licensed (just waiting on a call from the FCC) and I am anxious to put my hard earned privileges to use. I am not the most patient guy on earth and waiting to save up for one of the big three is not something I am looking forward to doing, but I may just end up doing that too. I admit I am :confused:

However, I am sure about this, I want something that works and last me a long time. If it does not, then I want some responsive customer support and a quality warranty. If after warranty something happens I realize I am on my own, but at least I want a good repair option. Everything I have read from BaoFeng Tech points to a warranty, but I have yet to run across anyone who has put Tech's words to the test?

When I emailed them, I got a vague response of, "we will look at it" if something were to go wrong while under warranty. Not the most reassuring response.....

Anyhow, I have gone on long enough, sorry for the dissertation Mr.G, not rying to clog your thread up man. ;) Just had to get some thoughts out of my head and the posts on here were in-line with what they were. :cool:


Nov 21, 2015
Everything I have read from BaoFeng Tech points to a warranty, but I have yet to run across anyone who has put Tech's words to the test?

Playing devil's advocate on your devil's advocate... If no one has put them to the test; then it is a pretty good chance that their product's are holding up; but lets be realistic. Every manufacturer large or small is going to produce a lemon

So the reverse scenario is it has been put to the test, I am a member of the Facebook groups myself and there have been confirmations that the warranty does exist and they are mailed in the US. Seems pretty brazen to market warranty if you wouldn't do it - and by now there would be numerous of threads and BBB complaints if that was the truth.


Sep 30, 2006
Davenport,Fl.- home to me and the gators and the s
Amateur radio have

those that look down on the poorer folks who can not afford the more expensive radio equipment. Their thoughts are, "if you don't have the money to afford the big name radios, then you need a different (cheap) hobby!" Amateur radio started out by experimenting and building your own equipment. The hobby has greatly expanded and we have all sorts of modes, antennas, etc.
"Will save up to where you have the money to buy a "decent" radio." I am over 70 years old and don't have too many more years to save for that "decent" radio. I just wanted a hobby to talk around and do some experimenting with the antennas, radios of "cheap" brand, and so on.
I know for a fact that there's many "hams" who think they are the king and look down on us poor folks. (just read some of the posts that litter RR forums) I don't care about their thoughts; just leave me alone so I can enjoy the hobby. There are MANY great hams who are very helpful and go out of their way to help the novice.
I've got a Yaesu FT-101E, HTX-202, and a couple of Icom IC-2ATs, and one of the cheap Baofeng UV-5r and NEVER looked down on those who just could not afford one of those radios.
Getting off my soapbox now.
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Nov 21, 2015
Final thought ... If we wanted to rant about the CCR radios - there are many other elitist forums around here to do that - Maybe you can hop into one of those threads?

For those that are starting out with a $24 Amazon Baofeng and getting their Technician's license as a starting point - it would only be reasonable that we can discuss that in the "Budget and Entry Level Transceivers" forum without getting attacked here too...


Mar 1, 2003
But it's not fair to make the people with a quality radio suffer by listen to the snap, crackle, & pop the $24 radios generate. The Tytera DMR radios are creating all kinds of interference on our Trbo system, & the owner is this close to banning them. One more incident of bleed over from TS2, to TS1, & they're gone. It's one thing to cause interference on a club repeater that's open to all to use, & the club paid for the equipment, but it's another thing to cause interference on a 7 repeater system that's paid for by 2 guys out of their hard earned $ & you must ask permission to join, & your radio ID # is entered into the database to allow access.
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
With all I know about the cheap Chinese radios being discussed, and if I did't own any before reading all these posts, I would still get a couple of $25 Baofeng handhelds with no local warranty because they do so much for so little and they do a surprisingly good job at it. Hope this helps Billy1962 with his decision.


Apr 11, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
If such intentional self-destruction was built in, you could rightfully file a complaint to consumer protection agencies and other government organizations to have all such radios banned from the US. Did you contact the company, filed complaints or took any action against the company?
It was likely an unintended defect, due to a defective EEPROM. There are large numbers of people who have encountered this problem. They now source their parts elsewhere.

Sent from my LG-D631 using Tapatalk


Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
Staff member
Super Moderator
Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
Many US companies have deals with the Chinese mfrs and honor the warranty for US purchasers. One example is Ed at Import Communications that originally offered 18mo warranty on Wouxun radios. This was more warranty time than the big three were offering on much more expensive radios.

I had a problem with one of my Wouxun handhelds purchased through Import Communications and when I contacted Ed he just sent me a new one and said to return the bad one at my leisure. Ed no longer sells Wouxun but he has the same policy on Anytone and other brand radios that flow through is company.
I'm sure you are aware of why Ed no longer sells Wouxun. From his web site:
Because of uncorrected defects and lack of factory support on warranty issues, we no longer sell Wouxun radios.

Basically, Ed found that getting warranty support from the Wouxun factory in China was practically impossible for a small businessman. Ed honored the warranty he offered on the Wouxun radios that he sold and ended up eating the cost of that warranty support because the factory wouldn't support him as an importer. Ed's account of the whole story can be found here.
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