This is a fantastic discussion thread. I retired from the FD after 25 years, and all these arguments have been made over the years. Yes the NFPA is full of the vendors on the tech committees. Yes the Radios are too damn expensive. Yes the NFPA standards are just suggestions but hold up to the "Reasonable Man Standard" in Court and the venders all know that. That all being said, and very thoughtfully:
I have been in the situation that I could not talk to my neighbors on a fire because they were on VHF and we were on UHF, things went to hell and the dispatchers had to play phone tag to get help, well it almost came too late . I am a strong proponent of interoperability, It has made things a damn site safer for the guys in the field , I can attest to that, as for everyone carrying a radio, I'm split, the interference from 4 portable all operating together while one guy tries to talk is a pain and almost a a hindrance to the practice. Is the equipment holding up, for the most part, except when it doesn't(SFFD), maybe that has no solution, but we try and we advocate to further limit the risk.
As for the part about talking to the trashman, it isn't so much about that as the dept. on the other side of the state or the country, and the fact we are moving resources more often for emergency services and public support services (phone, power Etc) for the more disasters makes capability and interoperability more important than ever. And it is happening, just look at the wildfires, the collapse in Dade County, the Tornados and Hurricanes. disasters small and large happen and local resources are being nationalized. Mutual Aid stems Like MABAS WORK, and Governors are not shy about the Stafford Act Depts. that never conceived of providing aid outside their area (DALLAS FD) are Sending crews to far off places. I know cause I was there and spoke to Chiefs that said "nah we don't DO that" (I got to be a part of the first interstate local government Strike Team ever formed When I went to Yellowstone NP, I took 24 hours to round up 5 engines, for a 100 engine order.)
I think we are at the middle point of this as far as 1802 is concerned, As we develop more integration of Cellular and LMR things will improve and evolve. The First Net thing gets everybody's dander up so I wont go there. But we will evolve. Nobody in the the 80's that I knew thought you could have multiple bands in one radio, (except for the Hams) that you could connect a Scott Pack to a radio, that you could track crews with RFID tags and Bluetooth. And 1000ch radio? IMPOSSIBLE and totally unaffordable! Remember how heavy some of the equipment was? Were going to figure it out, and when we do its not going to look like anything we have seen thus far. As far as the taxpayer I am one and I'm concerned about the waste, but Where I live I think we balanced features and subscriber cost pretty well. But I try to stay involved and make my opinion known.
I think the issues comes down to better relationships between the radio techs and the agencies, many a PIG in a POKE was sold to depts. that got led down the path by manufacturers.
I don't know all the answers, but I keep asking questions
End of rant