SDS100/SDS200: Third time repair - now gone indefinitely

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Dec 19, 2002
My SDS100 lemon went back in for repairs 3 weeks ago for the third time. The first time was a Q1/Q2 repair. The second time was the cold solder joint. After it returned, it functioned for an hour and it appeared the csj issue returned.

I spoke to Uniden, and they asked me to ship it back so they could swap units. As such I sent it in, and it apparently went to the back of the repair line again.

I contacted Uniden a few times, and the latest update was that the repair team had been sent home due to Covid-19. While i understand the necessity to keep people safe, I’m at a loss as to why they had 17 days to do a “swap out” for a third time problem before they closed the repair dept.

Im asking if anyone has any suggestions. Thank you.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
My SDS100 lemon went back in for repairs 3 weeks ago for the third time. The first time was a Q1/Q2 repair. The second time was the cold solder joint. After it returned, it functioned for an hour and it appeared the csj issue returned.

I spoke to Uniden, and they asked me to ship it back so they could swap units. As such I sent it in, and it apparently went to the back of the repair line again.

I contacted Uniden a few times, and the latest update was that the repair team had been sent home due to Covid-19. While i understand the necessity to keep people safe, I’m at a loss as to why they had 17 days to do a “swap out” for a third time problem before they closed the repair dept.

Im asking if anyone has any suggestions. Thank you.
Boy that really fries my bacon when I hear something like that. Of course the third repair should be a replacement. It shouldn't be in line for repair.

It sounds like they are answering the phone for support. You are in need of some special attention and I would think it is doable to send you a replacement.

I'm sure you will be professional and calm as you insist on getting help with this issue. I guess it's best to move up the line and speak to the highest person that you can find there.

A replacement I imagine would be a refurbished radio maybe or one that had been replaced and then repaired. Keep calling, establish a relationship with the highest ranking person you can get through to.

It's worth a try, you simply want them to ship you a radio. You don't need a repair staff.

See how it goes and if nobody will help you then you start to write the letters. It is a pia.

If you have a consumer protection reporter with your local TV stations you can CC the letters to them. You can also consult a lawyer for a one-time brief consultation for a reasonable fee who will allow you to CC the letters to them also.

I guess it depends on how bad you want the radio back because if you have to wait for the repair people to return when it's safe I think you're going to be waiting quite a while. You can also contact the Consumer Protection Agency in your county or the county that Uniden is in. They will tell you which one is better to use. You file a complaint and then they send an official type intimidating letter to Uniden in an attempt to resolve the problem.

I know people will say this is futile but it's worth a try. Keep up the fight, get your new radio.

Let us know how things progress here, really sorry this happened to you Jeff.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2003
Doylestown PA & Milton DE
As Trentbob said, get in touch with the highest person on the food chain. Many states have Lemon Laws to protect consumers against products with an extensive repair history. I know in Pennsylvania with cars if it goes in for the same problem 3 times it is considered a lemon and therefore it is actionable. Go the gentle route first then follow up with a consumer protection agency


Dec 19, 2002
Thank you everyone for the constructive ideas. I've reached out to them again, suggesting vendor replacement, and that it should not be sitting in the cue for repair.

I've also started researching what legal avenues are available. I can't believe I purchased it last April, and its been in repair 4 months out of the year of owning it.

Regarding reaching out to @UnidenSupport, I contacted her prior to the second repair and all she did was update me on the estimated repair date, which remained unchanged and was a month after I sent it in.

Thanks again!


Dec 9, 2007
I understand how you feel, But it sounds like the only thing to do really is to wait.
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