I was able to confirm today 453.8875 Cap+ CC 9 LCN 2 is part of CAMH as well. I did also find that Hotel X (at Exhibition Place) is using 454.3625 Cap+ CC 5 TG 101 is operations.. I am surprised too that Exhibition Place is still using their really old LTR system.
462.8250 came up as a XPT system with a CC of 14 and TG 7. Does anyone know who this could be? I heard it around College Park.. I couldn't figure out what type of comm's these where though.
Oh, on the subject of CAMH. There is a bunch of TG's that I have found that still need to be identified.. TG 105, 110, 115, 135, 140, 150. Also heard was 100 Security?, 120 Maintenance? and 130 Environmental Services. Some of these are in the DB but think now that we have a complete system we should reverify.. and which site is it for.