Haha, it's time I broke my silence here but .. I grew up in a Philly suburb, used to ride the Reading all the time starting when I was about 15 years old to go into Center Philly which was a 20-25 minute ride. That would have been 1965. I wore my blue suit, white shirt and tie and was a page at the Franklin Institute assigned to the director of the Fells Planetarium, mostly helping people get seated and other grunt duties.
Long story short, ended up going to Long Island, New York when I graduated from high school in 1971 to get my education and after 7 years full time of school I ended up living there for a total of 15 years and moved back to Philly.
Information at that time wasn't really on computer, to transfer my official licenses and credentials it took a while and it was all done by paper so I answered an ad from SEPTA, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority who had taken over the Reading and the Penzey Railroad. After a year of school and qualifying the whole two systems so I could work on the extra board, I became an engineer.
Secondary to my education and performance I was quickly promoted into operations after a year as you needed to be fully qualified in both systems and be prepared to take over any train, on any line, at any time, if a crew was to blow up or pass a red board or any other violation that would immediately take them out of service and off to the hospital for blood work. My job was to step in with a conductor who would take the train over. It was called a protect crew. No revenue was collected from the passengers, we just needed to get the connection made so as not to bang the schedule.
From there I advanced, used to cover vacations for the Book of Rules, worked all the towers, oh and by the way, I am not a mason. In those days, I was one of the first people to go that far without being a mason. Maybe some of you know what I'm talking about, maybe some of you don't.
One thing's for sure, I was a Straight Arrow, I could cross an interlocking of five tracks and I would stop at each track and look both ways, if you know what I mean.
I have read what you gentlemen have been talking about and I would love to know when did you do all of this?, first of all, and who did you do it for?
Believe me, I was never out to get anybody and gave so many breaks to so many people but, really? When did these practices you've used, happen? You are obviously, very experienced on the road.
As far as the original posters question, I'm still waiting, I would love to know what was being talked about. I really don't know and maybe it does have to do with the explanations here in the last number of posts that to me have been quite fascinating.😉