Trenton FD

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W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Database updated. As more city talkgroups pop up on the county system, I'm sure more submissions will be forthcoming.

Also need to know the status of the MPS NXDN system. Someone just submitted a ticket that it's "off the air", however before I go setting the entire system to deprecated status, I'd like to confirm that it has been shut down. There are a lot of talkgroups on that system that would need to find a new home, and so far we've only gotten reports of fire moving to the county system.
Of those many talk groups on the nxdn system that were not encrypted, the handful that were actually used were, ACO, housing inspectors, DPW, the water department and a few others. If they are on the county system they should not be hard to find Monday through Friday during the day up to about 3 p.m., they were all very active.

I get the county system loud and clear so I'll start searching on the sds200 starting tomorrow. I actually will probably be familiar with some of the voices and be able to pin down who they are that way.

Can't help with the NX48 system as is not even programmed in my radios anymore.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2005
Can’t wait for the first band opening and see how Trenton Fire deals with DTV CH 19 from both Portsmouth Va. and Worcester Ma. Suspect they may need a real good plan B and some training to boot.

The RR database of the County P25 has zero T-band frequency diversity. The entire system of repeater inputs and outputs use 500-506 MHZ same as TV19 channels.

Starting in July 2021 this shows the days, some many in a row that significant signals rolled into NJ from Virginia. Enough so to interfere with many systems. Good luck Trenton.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Can’t wait for the first band opening and see how Trenton Fire deals with DTV CH 19 from both Portsmouth Va. and Worcester Ma. Suspect they may need a real good plan B and some training to boot.

The RR database of the County P25 has zero T-band frequency diversity. The entire system of repeater inputs and outputs use 500-506 MHZ same as TV19 channels.

Starting in July 2021 this shows the days, some many in a row that significant signals rolled into NJ from Virginia. Enough so to interfere with many systems. Good luck Trenton.
View attachment 115564
TEMS also... They use WR-1 and 2.


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
Can’t wait for the first band opening and see how Trenton Fire deals with DTV CH 19 from both Portsmouth Va. and Worcester Ma
And why would it be any different for Trenton vs agencies that have been operating on the county system for years? Do you have any evidence that Mercer County is negatively impacted by ducting, before or after the recent repack? Or is this just another "the sky is falling!" post you're making about T-Band and ducting in every thread possible?

Yes, the issue with ducting is a real thing in the band, but it doesn't affect every system as you would seem to think.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2005
And why would it be any different for Trenton vs agencies that have been operating on the county system for years? Do you have any evidence that Mercer County is negatively impacted by ducting, before or after the recent repack? Or is this just another "the sky is falling!" post you're making about T-Band and ducting in every thread possible?

Yes, the issue with ducting is a real thing in the band, but it doesn't affect every system as you would seem to think.
Hmmm, somehow I expected that reply @GTR8000. Some things are so predictable, just like summer tropo. Moving on.😂


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
A predictable reply to an even more predictable post from you, yep, pretty much sums it up. Who exactly do you think your target audience is with all of your redundant and monotonous posts in so many threads? Surely you're not naive enough to believe that the people in charge of these systems are taking advice from some random member of a hobbiest forum.

Again, don't misunderstand me. I know full well that the issue is real, but good grief let up with the dire warnings in every thread that touches on 470-512. :rolleyes:


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
Back to the relevant discussion...

Can someone in the area please check the MPS frequencies for any sign of a NEXEDGE control channel and/or activity on the system this coming week and report back. Thanks.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007

Okay, I just searched the database here and the nxdn system is working and locked on to the control Channel for Hoffman Ave. but I haven't heard anything on any talk group. I have it locked on the Hoffman Avenue site because the State Street site has no signal because it's programmed with the wrong frequencies. They changed when they did that work at the State Street site. I have no doubt that it is up and running also. Let me take a look at the frequencies I have in there for State Street and see what I can do about jockeying around some numbers. Maybe I can get State Street up also but... The system appears to be active.


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
Okay that's good enough for the time being, just needed to verify an active control channel so I could flag the submission as being premature. Thanks.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Yep, I would really like to get that State Street site working because you really need both of them. What I could do then is ID Search the whole system to make sure that there are no city services left using it.


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
I certainly won't protest, but verifying the one control channel was helpful at least in so far as knowing something is still on the air. What, if any, traffic it's carrying is another question entirely.

Probably the easiest thing you can do since you're using an SDS100 is search the UHF band for another NEX4 control channel, if you suspect that the frequencies are incorrect in the database. Probably quicker than trying to plug in all of MPS's licensed frequencies one by one.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Yep that's what I'm thinking, I wish I had all my notes from 2015 or was it 14 I don't remember. I don't have the laptop anymore that had the d s d in it and I don't have the psr-800 that I used which would have all of the frequencies in it.

I just did a search from 461 to 465 and there is so much crap there LOL. I'll work on it.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
PSX_20220124_033728.jpgOkay, State Street is active and locked onto the new control channel... 461.91875... realized the custom search step was on auto and had to override to 6.25. LCN finder took less than a minute because only one frequency was added.

By tomorrow night we're going to know if anybody's using this. I have a suspicion the police, are still on nxdn which would mean so are city services. It's just a hunch.

The fire department sounds terrific on the county system. So clear compared to nxdn. I'll do a talk group search on the county system on the sds200 tomorrow.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Okay, hearing city services on nx48, just heard the water department. Even though we wouldn't hear them of course the alpha tag would come up for the police when they keyed up and I have not seen the police yet. This might be some kind of a phased switch over and I wouldn't be surprised if police were in the process of moving to the county as we speak even though I'm sure they will be encrypted.

Listening to DPW now. Everything seems as always on city services.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Good info, thanks, Bob.
I'm actually making progress on Trenton PD. I thought maybe they would be on the state system but I think it's going to be the county.

Unfortunately I'm going to have to suspend my searching for a while but will pick up later... If anybody is out there actively working on this other than those I've been speaking with on private message and private email, 348 is no longer a patch LOL also focus on 514 and 516. It's all for naught as it is encrypted.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Okay everybody, I've been able to get back at it now for a while and it's my impression, educated guess, given the evidence, Trenton police are now officially on the county system with talk groups in the 500s and 348 which has multiple hits that are encrypted.

I would think later on tonight the old Channel 5 and 6 which was called Street crimes tac1 and tac2 will get busy till about 1 a.m. on their own talk groups. You'll have lesser used channels like the old Channel 7 which was called conversation and channel 8 was called supervisors conversation. Even more rarely used you would have the old Channel 10 which was CIB.

The frequent encrypted hits we saw today in the 500s and 348 are probably just dispatch, warrants and data and Citywide. No way we're ever going to map this out being that it's encrypted.

I listened to The Police every day on NXDN for over 5 years.

This is a great thread.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2005
Way to stay on a story, clearly your passion remains evident. Nice job @trentbob. Can’t wait to work on breaking the next story this summer. BOLO.😂


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Way to stay on a story, clearly your passion remains evident. Nice job @trentbob. Can’t wait to work on breaking the next story this summer. BOLO.😂
Calling all cars, calling all cars, be on the lookout for...

Thanks, wish the body could keep up with the passion. I am definitely retired. I rather enjoyed this little project here. Thanks for the nice words... Bob.
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