3 digit numbers are used by Rangers, to include those working livestock crimes "Cattle Rangers" etc. There are a few other instances as well. Sometimes you may hear a strange DPS number that does not coincide with anything you normally hear, and it may well be an Admin person (Instructor etc) passing through an area requesting local enforcement for some reason. All employees are issued an identification number, and many are in fact badge numbers, but not all. When moving from one district, or even county in the same district, the unit "6xxx" number changes (I know, not all of them start with a 6). Kind of hard for 6244 to fit in with 6370, 6371, 6372 etc... Even the Analysts tabulating the stats on a case, or a Lab Tech have the neat little numbers... Oh, and the Gals from the Lab in Waco were all in love with George Eads from CSI at one time, but he didn't have a "number" 
Stay Safe.....
Stay Safe.....