Trooper Unit Numbers

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Aug 29, 2004
Central Texas
3 digit numbers are used by Rangers, to include those working livestock crimes "Cattle Rangers" etc. There are a few other instances as well. Sometimes you may hear a strange DPS number that does not coincide with anything you normally hear, and it may well be an Admin person (Instructor etc) passing through an area requesting local enforcement for some reason. All employees are issued an identification number, and many are in fact badge numbers, but not all. When moving from one district, or even county in the same district, the unit "6xxx" number changes (I know, not all of them start with a 6). Kind of hard for 6244 to fit in with 6370, 6371, 6372 etc... Even the Analysts tabulating the stats on a case, or a Lab Tech have the neat little numbers... Oh, and the Gals from the Lab in Waco were all in love with George Eads from CSI at one time, but he didn't have a "number" :)
Stay Safe.....


Feb 24, 2001
3 digit numbers are used by Rangers, to include those working livestock crimes "Cattle Rangers" etc. There are a few other instances as well. Sometimes you may hear a strange DPS number that does not coincide with anything you normally hear, and it may well be an Admin person (Instructor etc) passing through an area requesting local enforcement for some reason. All employees are issued an identification number, and many are in fact badge numbers, but not all. When moving from one district, or even county in the same district, the unit "6xxx" number changes (I know, not all of them start with a 6). Kind of hard for 6244 to fit in with 6370, 6371, 6372 etc... Even the Analysts tabulating the stats on a case, or a Lab Tech have the neat little numbers... Oh, and the Gals from the Lab in Waco were all in love with George Eads from CSI at one time, but he didn't have a "number" :)
Stay Safe.....

Good info, Thanks!!!


Dec 26, 2006
Fort Worth
I live in region 4 and I would like to know if their is any way we can know the name of the trooper who is assigned to to the unit number or is this not public information.
Without reading the rest of this thread...

We, the actual operators, do not mention Troopers names on the air. However, if you want to go by the local SO or DPS office and inquire, you would be welcome to do so.

To correct some misinformation/

For the Weatherford South office (for example).
SGT is 5503
CPL is 5530
Troopers are 5531 to 5539

It's that way state wide

Mineral Wells


CenTex DBA
Jun 6, 2007
Hunter, TX
To correct some misinformation:

For the Weatherford South office (for example).
SGT is 5503
CPL is 5530
Troopers are 5531 to 5539

It's that way state wide

Can you explain further b/c there has been a lot of misinformation around here that we're trying to wade through.

Our old file says that any unit number ending in 0 (I live in Reg. 6 and around here it would be 626Xs), would be the area HP Sgt. (6260 in my case). Is this not the case? Are corporals ending 0? Can you offer any insight on the methodology of the numbering systems?

We've got a lot of questions and if you have an "in" on the information then you could be a lot of help in this thread. Thanks for your time.


TX/LA Database Admin
Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Boerne, Texas
Grimes, Waller, and Walker counties follow that system as well.
Grimes/Waller Sgt: 2504
Grimes/Waller Cpl: 2540
Grimes Troopers: 2041-2045
Waller Troopers: 2541-2547
Walker Sgt: 2503
Walker Cpl: 2530
Walker Troopers: 2531-2537
Montgomery County West Sgt: 2501
Montgomery County West Cpl: 2510
Montgomery County West Troopers: 2511-2527


Dec 26, 2006
Fort Worth
I've heard many 3 digit numbers. Here is my list:

100- DPS 100 Helo
107- DPS Helo?
113- DPS Helo?
116- DPS Helo?

204- unknown

333- unknown

529- unknown

84-1- (identified as "eighty four- one" which I thought unusual) unknown

948- unknown

I've asked this question many a time before, again if anyone has any insight it would be appreciated.

the 100 numbers are DPS Aircraft.
The 333 and 529 could be actual radio repair tech's or in the Higher Ranks of Command.

The 948 is most likely a Texas Ranger.

Radio operators - such as myself - begin with R, area, station, individual.
A non existent example: R177 would be an Operator in Region one, Station 7, seventh operator position.


Dec 26, 2006
Fort Worth
Radio numbers may be assigned to a district. I played softball with a number of DPS troopers in the 80's and knew their voices and numbers while listening to the scanner. Several of them transfered out or retired and it seemed their replacements would use the same unit numbers. YMMV
I thought I answered this the other night, but I guess my post didn't make it.

The RR page on TXDPS is close.

But for actual example:

5502 would be the Sgt.
5520 is the Corporal... notice the actual positions of the Zero's.
5521-5529 are the rest of the Troopers in the office.

DL troops begin with a 9 then region then office (up to 7) /individual such as 9177 would be a DL trooper in Region 1, office 7, employee 7.

Also CLE such as Auto Theft also begin with 9 but the second number is 8 and up (currently) with office, then individual.

This numbering system does not include other CLE such as Narcs.

CVE troops are a Region, 6, office, individual. ie: 5669, Region 5, CVE, office 6, individual 9.

This is a state wide numbering system and it's office specific not Trooper specific.

All DPS employee's currently have a 5 digit number assigned to them at the time of hire. This is the number that is found on the Citations that are issued (along with all internal correspondence.) (Troopers that have been around for more than 10 years (approx.) will have 4 digit numbers.) This number is unique to them unlike the radio number and follows them throughout their career no matter how many times they transfer to other offices or promote.
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Dec 26, 2006
Fort Worth
Can you explain further b/c there has been a lot of misinformation around here that we're trying to wade through.

Our old file says that any unit number ending in 0 (I live in Reg. 6 and around here it would be 626Xs), would be the area HP Sgt. (6260 in my case). Is this not the case? Are corporals ending 0? Can you offer any insight on the methodology of the numbering systems?

We've got a lot of questions and if you have an "in" on the information then you could be a lot of help in this thread. Thanks for your time.
I'm a PCO II for TXDPS in Mineral Wells.
I'll help as much as I can.


Dec 26, 2006
Fort Worth
I bet (8041) eighty-fourty one is the Lazy dispatcher equivlent of Sulfer Springs Dispatcher calling (1051) units "One thousand fifty one"

Thanks Tom, that's a good possibility.
Well 10-51 is a call for a wrecker, while One Thousand Fifty One would be the unit number. I know I'd hate to work in that office and have to call 10-4 or One Thousand Four. Even Worse 10-33 when meaning unit One Thousand Thirty-Three.

Those are a bunch of unit numbers that needed to be skipped!

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