Hi, and thank you for the input. I do not have the DMR upgrade so wouldn't be able to add that .
Allied Universal does have patrols in this area, and I would think that they would need the license for use in Calif, not a general license from back east.
The low frequency they show is just above the ATC frequency, and probably wouldn't interfere much if the signal leaked out. SFO is literally adjacent, within 1-4 miled from 5 cities in San Mateo County, and my city, South San Francisco is 1 mile away.
Allied Universal is contracted for security services at a given location. Some locations like hospitals or defense contractors already have a 2-way system in place. Allied just uses that system in place.
Check to company that they are contracting with. A.I. doesn't have any local or regional dispatch system. They also use Zello and Cell.
Hi, and thank you for the info. The area that we see their car driving around, (a small white suv with Allied Universal plastered on the car doors), is in a very small open air strip mall, here in South. San Francisco, (in San Mateo County, and not part of San Francisco). The small outside mall only has a small post office, Safeway, a small 24 hr laundromat, a small Round Table Pizza, Wings, and Wells Fargo Bank. They only drive around the parking lot area near the post office and Safeway a few times, sit in parking lot near front of Safeway and post office, then drive behind the buildings where loading areas are, come back and sit in parking lot again, then Ieave and drive near the bank, sit in the parking lot there for several minutes, then leave. Doesn't look like they would be using any other companies communication system in a UI vehicle.
I did find a listing for two of their offices, one in SF, and another in San Mateo, here in San Mateo County. Little hard to figure out exactly who they are contracted with. Never heard of Zello either whatevwr that is. Hopefully they aren't goofing off, wasting AU's gas, or battery power.