ALL TSA is full P25, and is now quickly becoming pure UHF, and 90% full time encryption. The only analog they will ever have is if they need to use a loaner radio to talk to airport operations or the like. Wonder who the old VHF net will go to, as the Feds are good at recycling/"sharing" stuff now. Maybe USFS will get the used VHF P25 stuff as they finally get to join the digital age?
Helped change over an entire airport's TSA yesterday, and one other the day before... removed all VHF equipment, put in the new UHF GTR cabinet, replaced antenna, did coverage testing, showed them how to use the key loaders, handed out new APX900s.
At the end they asked about the old stuff, old cabinet and radios are all asset tagged, I was working with an agent from HQ in VA,
He told them to do all the asset tagging write off stuff and toss it in the dumpster, cavities and all...
I wouldn't say the Feds are good at recycling stuff....