Really? I've been in LMR for 30 years. My experience is with everything from bubble packs, CCRs, P25, NXDN, DMR...portable to portable on UHF in the terrain we have here on the ground gives you 1-2 miles max. The range claims of many of these mass marketed portables are based on calculations on open flat terrain in free space with no obstructions and ideal conditions. Tell me you disagree.
In 2006, I was visiting a friend's family in rural Arkansas (Osceola) and had a Kenwood TK-3140 with a stubby and on a second story hotel room, I could talk to him (he was on a MOBILE) on UHF ham about 10 miles away. It's flat and little foliage. Beyond that, in metro Atlanta, you're doing good to get the average large subdivision with reliable portable coverage on UHF simplex.
I've done coverage acceptance testing on 3 different trunked radio systems here, two 800MHz P25 and one UHF MotoTRBO Linked CapPlus. I think I know what the fork I'm talking about.