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Unication G-Series Voice Pager with Digital Trunked Scanner Feature

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Feb 13, 2012
I have all Sheriff channels in knob 1 zone 1, then individual sheriff channels on knob positions 1-7 in that zone. Same thing with zone 2 police and zone 3 fire etc... On another, example zone 4, I have all those zones on separate knob positions 1-8 marked as "All" so I just turn the knob for different zones and that's where the hold comes in handy. I can listen to different zones without stepping down by turning the knob then press hold when I want to stop on a certain channel. If that makes sense. You can have 64 channels in each knob position, 8 different zones.

This is exactly how mine is set up - but I don't have the hold feature yet :--( I hope this feature is released in PPS v. 1.3 which I thought was going to be any week now (or maybe any day now if we're lucky!). For now I have single talk groups per knob position, and on position 8 I have all of them to 'scan' the talk groups.


Sarcastic Member
Nov 23, 2004
AES-256 secured
I have only had my G5 for a little over a week but one feature I would like to see if you want to change zones, like from Z8 to Z9 and you already are on Z8 that you don't have to step down from the first zone,
or am I to new and missing something?

I agree. I have 64 zones and they cover the entire East Coast. If I started my zones as NY being Zone 1 Key West, FL based on my travel south, if I want to change zones in around Virginia I have to start right back in NY and toggle down 30 times. It would make sense when going back to the menu to start in the same zone location you are in. Not to mention fighting the menu interruptions every time a transmission is received. Becomes an even greater pain in the ass when I want to switch in Florida and have to toggle down 60 times.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 5, 2005
Albany County, NY
Not to mention fighting the menu interruptions every time a transmission is received. Becomes an even greater pain in the ass when I want to switch in Florida and have to toggle down 60 times.
You'd really need to keep one knob position unprogrammed to avoid the interruption to the zone changes. Other than that, you might be tempted to toss the G out the window onto the interstate in the path of an 18-wheeler. :)


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
I agree. I have 64 zones and they cover the entire East Coast. If I started my zones as NY being Zone 1 Key West, FL based on my travel south, if I want to change zones in around Virginia I have to start right back in NY and toggle down 30 times.
FYI if you move the joystick left or right it moves in pages of four zones at a time.


Feb 13, 2012
The more important question is how long will it take to come out. 1.2 came out more than one year ago. 1.3 is not out yet (but supposedly close). Will 1.4 be another year or longer away? I’d pay for it if it came out faster to help it along :—)


Premium Subscriber
Apr 5, 2005
Albany County, NY
The more important question is how long will it take to come out. 1.2 came out more than one year ago. 1.3 is not out yet (but supposedly close). Will 1.4 be another year or longer away? I’d pay for it if it came out faster to help it along :—)
I believe this firmware will be released as an option to run on a dual track with the existing pager firmware. In other words, if you're not interested in the scanner features, you can wait for the next regular version to be released. This is really aimed at those of us who use our Unications as scanners, and not Public Safety users.


Feb 13, 2012
I believe this firmware will be released as an option to run on a dual track with the existing pager firmware. In other words, if you're not interested in the scanner features, you can wait for the next regular version to be released. This is really aimed at those of us who use our Unications as scanners, and not Public Safety users.

I’m both but I like options! I have Active911 on my phone anyway I’m not going to miss a call. But lounging around at the firehouse I for sure would use the scanner feature. But what I really want is the hold on talk group feature. We have some talk groups that are rarely used, ie, water ops or medical ops broken out to its own TG. Right now I have those assigned to a single zone / knob setting because I’d need to keep my official apparatus portable on whatever TG I’m assigned to, and I can monitor the other TG on the G5. This is taking several extra zones and knob settings that can get combined when ‘hold on TG’ is introduced. I’d be hesitant to put 10 TGs on a zone/function button as things stand now for concern that I would miss comms that I want to hear on an active incident.

The above said, I love the G5. This is the slickest radio I ever owned. Now my members in my station started buying them also lol.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 5, 2005
Albany County, NY
It may be that the new firmware may perform better for some professionals. But I suspect the decision to adopt this would be made on a departmental basis. I read, however, that once the new firmware is uploaded to the G, you will be unable to downgrade to an earlier non-scanner version, and would have to wait for a new release of the regular firmware. Of course, being in beta, anything I say here could change significantly by the time it's released to the public.


Feb 13, 2012
I did read that also. And if I was ordering it for my department I would probably not want the scanner function. But I would like the hold on TG function as it would give more versatility to programming the radios on one zone. I like that there will be two options. This is smart thinking for Unication because we have members in our department buying these for personal use, like others and I, and having this functionality is a huge selling point - particularly where we have neighboring jurisdictions we run with and we can use these Unication radios to monitor action over the nearby county line. As for downgrading, my assumption is that all these features on 1.4 would be optional and the radios can still be programmed to act like firmware 1.2 (and eventually 1.3). So I personally would love 1.4 but I missed the beta, with the understanding that it would still be able to be programmed like 1.2 / 1.3 unless the scanner features were activated. I get not releasing it yet - I am just excited to get it one day. I hope they widen the beta for those of us that post on forums and are the true enthusiasts!
Feb 12, 2019
Possible User-Defined Scan List Issue

In PPS, I added a new system (WACN: BEE00 / System ID: 2A5 and site RFSS: 4 / Site: 14) and four talk groups. I added the new system and four talk groups to Zone 18 / Knob 1.

In D7 -> Trunking Free Scan -> User Define Scan List, I added a new scan list. I opened the “Linked Talk Group ID” and found that the new system was not listed.

I sent the programming to the pager in an attempt to program the User Define Scan List through the pager.

On the pager, I navigated to the User Define Scan List (Main Menu button -> Trunking Free Scan -> 4. User Define Scan – scroll to the new scan list that was entered via PPS – press Sele soft key). All systems in the pager are shown in DEC format; however, in PPS they are shown in HEX format (possibly change this to the alias name in both PPS and the pager). Once again, the new system is not being shown in the User Define Scan List Trunking System list.

It appears that systems that were stored and assigned to a Zone/Knob position before the firmware update are available for use in the User Define Scan List; however, any new system entered is not visible to the User Defined List settings.

If another beta tester has the time to do a test of entering a completely new system and checking to see if that system and talk groups are available for selection in the User Defined Scan section (D7 -> Trunking Free Scan -> User Defined Scan List -> double-click Link Talk Group ID -> Trunking System / Site List / TGID List), I would appreciate it.
Feb 12, 2019
I did. I have several other scan lists set up and they worked fine. For some reason, it was only with the newly added systems. I shut the whole computer system down and restarted. I went back into PPS, edited the scan lists, and now, all is fine.


Jul 18, 2009
Is there anyway to permanently lock out TGs? Will the limit for aliasing Unit IDs be extended (I currently have ~1500)? Will we be able to import a Unit ID list?
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