Anyone ever think that Uniden is raising the prices because the demand is there and they can get away with a price increase. Don't know for sure, but a distinct possibility. If you really are that cash strapped, most of us would sell something for less just to increase sales and at least move the inventory. Just a thought folks.
On another note, I do agree that SDR has some distinct advantages. But for you folks who don't own any hardware scanners, just SDR, what do you do when you go outside or to work. Perhaps you are retired or just limit scanning to your home or apartment.
I am pretty much retired (age 67) but still out and about all the time. SDR doesn't quite work in the car or out and about. At least not for me. And let's not wish that Uniden goes away. If they do, you may just see a real price hike on scanner (E-Bay) market as everyone wants one before Motorola at several $000 is yor only option, or use SDR in rather limited environments
I know someone will now respond that putting together an SDR package with a tablet and scanning software can easily be done. Whoever comes out with something like that which can rival any modern portable scanner, I'll be your first customer. Until then .....