I gave my money to the Ham Station. Now, as Tom Petty said, The Waiting is the Hardest Part...
It is our money not yours. Not our fault you for what ever reason you are not buying. I am getting a second battery for free you will not. We will be happy and enjoying our new scanners.
If you are one of the early adopters, the initial production units have a smaller battery, less run time than the target of 8hrs. So, since the original batch has already been produced, and is shipping to the distributors, those getting the initial batch will get a second, larger, battery probably around August or so. The larger battery will also have a different, deeper, battery compartment cover. So, the early birds, getting the initial small battery, will end up with two, instead of only one, battery. Those who wait for the production run that starts shipping with a larger battery will have just that, one (larger, or should we say 'full size') battery.Where can I order and get a free extra battery?
I pre-ordered from Scanner Master this afternoon. Hopefully they will have enough units to satisfy the initial orders today and I won't have to wait after already paying. I live pretty much right between multiple tower sites of a simulcast system. My 436HP is unusable in my house. I have 2 yagi antennas that I set up for my 436 and 996P2 that have helped but I still have simulcast issues even with those. Strong signals that come in clear and then next you can't even understand them. I was considering a Unication prior to the announcement of the SDS-100. Hopefully this will be the solution to my problem and I can use the scanner all around my house again instead of being tied to an antenna in my office.
Too bad my live audio feeds will have to continue to stay on the Yagi's because I definitely can't afford to replace those yet. Lol!