Unidentified UHF/VHF Frequencies

May 3, 2023
Recently I've been scanning the FRS/MURS/GMRS and DOT frequencies and caught some activity. Most of the stuff listed below have strong signals from Greenville Co. except for the paving crew it's a little weak. I do understand that these can be used by anyone, but I just wanted to share my findings.

This morning, I caught a very strong signal on FRS Channel 3:

462.6125 127.3 PL "Concrete or pallets?" then someone responds with what they want their truck to be loaded with. Everything was quite for a while, then I heard "A gentlemen called in looking for a job, he said he's supposed to be here around 2:30"

For the past two days, I've been hearing construction crane ops on FRS channel 1:

462.5625 97.4 PL "Cable up" "cable up" "cable up" "cable down" "cable down" "cable down" "to the left" - the signal was so strong on this frequency, I could hear whistling and hammering going on in the background.

I also heard what sounded like construction comms on these frequencies:
151.505 114.8 PL
151.5125 103.5
151.5125 315 DPL
462.675 D311 Paving crew.
I also caught 151.625 411 DPL - I need to listen to this more to see what's being discussed.

I believe 151.5125 315 DPL is dump trucks as I hear conversation about loading and unloading and stuff like "Good dump" a few days ago I heard them mention a "load of 36" - possibly rock or dirt material?


Premium Subscriber
Mar 10, 2008
Warminster BUCKS Co. PA
I do realize there's certainly more than enough 462.575 / 467.575 RPTS though out the Delaware Valley. Of course, I don't want to stumble onto the LEARN System. After all, some of those individuals sound like want to be LEO instead of Active or Retired LEOs. I had too many runs' ins with someone who I won't name names or call-signs. But I didn't want to talk about that. I found 462.575 repeater w/a tone of 146.2 both Rx / Tx. I don't know the exact location, but I can hit it clear from Warminster. I can't hit the one closer Richboro 141.3.
May 3, 2023
464.325 146.2 PL "I can't feel my ears Thomas!" (extremely weak signal)
461.775 67.0 PL "Clear" "I hear you loud and clear" (strong signal)
May 3, 2023
462.525 116 DPL - Has anyone been able to identify this as Michelin (WPIS561) or Newberry Lumber Mill (WQEL435)?

Not to much has been heard, just sporadic short communication back and forth.
May 3, 2023
I have 461.775 67.0 as Pike Electric WPPY242. Not sure how accurate that is.

I've only heard it that one time and haven't heard it since. It was a very strong signal but I didn't hear enough to confirm who or what it was, but if I remember correctly I heard it before that first round of snow/ice in the Upstate. I didn't think about the possibility of it being an electric company because most of them have transitioned to 800 or some other radio system and then Blue Ridge Electric they use DMR.

I'll continue to monitor 461.775 67.0 especially during severe weather to see if I can determine if Pike Electric still uses this frequency.

Appreciate your help,