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Hi. I am a frustrated Unitrunker occasional user who has great difficulties with Unitrunker.
This is not to say that I do not like Unitrunker, I am just spoiled with Trunk 88 and the creator of it does a great job in keeping us up to date and helping us, Nonetheless:
I would like to monitor the following systems on Unitrunker
Metrolinx (Formerly GO Transit) Trunking System, Golden Horseshoe Area, Ontario - Scanner Frequencies
This system is a pure P25 system. Although the scope shows that there is a signal the Health shows it as decoding it at 1 or 0. I am using a Pro2045 tapped scanner.
Am I missing something or doing something wrong?
My second question:
My home region (county) uses a EDACS system:
Halton Region Trunking System, Halton Region, Ontario - Scanner Frequencies
Occasionally they change control channels (I am monitoring the Burlington site #3.) When this hapenns it starts to monitor on unitrunker in a new system? This can be a drag. Do I have to creat different systems to follow for each control channel in the event that it switches?
TIA And merry christmas and/or happy holidays.
This is not to say that I do not like Unitrunker, I am just spoiled with Trunk 88 and the creator of it does a great job in keeping us up to date and helping us, Nonetheless:
I would like to monitor the following systems on Unitrunker
Metrolinx (Formerly GO Transit) Trunking System, Golden Horseshoe Area, Ontario - Scanner Frequencies
This system is a pure P25 system. Although the scope shows that there is a signal the Health shows it as decoding it at 1 or 0. I am using a Pro2045 tapped scanner.
Am I missing something or doing something wrong?
My second question:
My home region (county) uses a EDACS system:
Halton Region Trunking System, Halton Region, Ontario - Scanner Frequencies
Occasionally they change control channels (I am monitoring the Burlington site #3.) When this hapenns it starts to monitor on unitrunker in a new system? This can be a drag. Do I have to creat different systems to follow for each control channel in the event that it switches?
TIA And merry christmas and/or happy holidays.