I have the first 5 LCN's for Children's Med Center, Site 2 is at least one frequency at the Legacy Campus (last time I checked it was independent of the Legacy Campus system, likely for security to use across all sites, although by now they might have merged them), and Our Children's House is Site 3. I have picked it up, it only has a mile or two range so you have to be close to it to get it (461.725 is LCN 1, and like the main site and the Legacy site on the system, uses Color Code 9). I've also identified 7 talkgroups (although my idents were almost 2 years ago), so we could probably piece together enough to make a submission.For the "main" Children's Health Campus, along Medical Center Drive & next to the "old" Parkland Hospital building, I have the 5 LCNs & a little over a dozen TGIDs.
The 'second site' appears to be only one frequency, 461.725. That's located at a satellite facility, Our Children's House, on Empire Central. I have not been able to hear anything for that location. Possibly very low power, concentrated in the building.
UTSW has at least two sites, and possibly a third, that I'm trying to confirm.
The LTR systems listed in the database for Children's & UTSW are long gone.
I started work on UTSW, but it also was 2 years ago, and I only got 2 LCN's identified, and I don't recall if it was coming up multi-site or not.
Being out in Van Alstyne puts a damper on trying to work a lot of the stuff in Dallas, just by the shear distance.