I monitor about 14 conventional frequencies on my TRX-1 along with 2 P25 700-800 Trunked systems. I also have one conventional channel marked as priority and one trunked talk group marked as priority on system 1. No talk groups are marked as priority on system 2.
The settings in EZscan are priority mode on, interval is 3 seconds, and maximum channels per check equals 5.
The issue is that if there is traffic on trunked system 2, then priority never checks the priority talk group on trunked system 1. Is there any way to correct this behavior so that I'm assured that the talk group gets checked during priority?
The settings in EZscan are priority mode on, interval is 3 seconds, and maximum channels per check equals 5.
The issue is that if there is traffic on trunked system 2, then priority never checks the priority talk group on trunked system 1. Is there any way to correct this behavior so that I'm assured that the talk group gets checked during priority?