Confirmed today new digital frequency of 409.525 NAC293 for USSD
Diplomatic Security Service here in DFW. This frequency is the new
nationwide common primary replacing the old 409.625 repeater in
many cities.
Ops were in the clear, with a very strong and good signal in Plano.
A VIP or Head Of State landed about 12:30 this afternoon, and has
been motorcading around town. I don't think they have departed yet,
so it might be a good time for other fed monitors to give a listen if
you like. Didn't really hear any code names for anyone. It was pretty
much agent to agent with their names and common speak. USSD
does it a little differently than USSS, but not THAT much.
Interestingly enough, 165.2125 USSS NAC001 was also very active at
the time with encrypted traffic. This frequency (which used to be used
by "former" presidential protection) leads me to wonder if this is the Bush
43 detail, and he was visiting with some old pals from other countries.
Anyway, interesting, and fun listening. Never did listen to any ATC traffic,
to hear if any special plane or callsign came in.
Diplomatic Security Service here in DFW. This frequency is the new
nationwide common primary replacing the old 409.625 repeater in
many cities.
Ops were in the clear, with a very strong and good signal in Plano.
A VIP or Head Of State landed about 12:30 this afternoon, and has
been motorcading around town. I don't think they have departed yet,
so it might be a good time for other fed monitors to give a listen if
you like. Didn't really hear any code names for anyone. It was pretty
much agent to agent with their names and common speak. USSD
does it a little differently than USSS, but not THAT much.
Interestingly enough, 165.2125 USSS NAC001 was also very active at
the time with encrypted traffic. This frequency (which used to be used
by "former" presidential protection) leads me to wonder if this is the Bush
43 detail, and he was visiting with some old pals from other countries.
Anyway, interesting, and fun listening. Never did listen to any ATC traffic,
to hear if any special plane or callsign came in.