Volusia County EDACS and P25 (00A.91F82)


Florida Db Admin / Florida Forum Moderator
Jul 29, 2002
East Central, Florida
if anyone is local and would like to submit an update, the information that is currently on the Volusia P25 dB entry needs some updates. I can only hear Site 10 (normally) here from my QTH, and it's steady this morning on 855.2125 and is only reporting site 40 as a neighbor.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Oct 6, 2021
i would imagine that the phase 2 CC is just testing. that schema is not currently supported by APCO.

stay tuned.

Its my understanding that TDMA control channel is specified in TIA-102.BBAD - Two-Slot TDMA Control Channel MAC Layer Specification - August 2017. While most of the systems that utilize it are utility companies, DART just lit up a TDMA CC on their new system at KDFW.

Since only Harris is supporting it at the moment, I suspect its being used as a vendor lock until other brands develop it.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 18, 2005
Polk County FL
I’m in the i4/95 area and was seeing site 71 856.7125 soon as I click that freq it goes to 853.8125. And there’s nothing there on the 853.8125. Has anyone see the 856.7125?


📶 🕨 Ø T₁ ÆS Ⱬ ⬜ ᴴ L |→| 𝅘𝅥 💾 🛰️ 🔋
Aug 12, 2016
soon as I click that freq it goes to 853.8125
I'm decoding site 71.71 (856.7125) right now and it doesn't jump to 853.8125.
Site 2.2 (852.0875) however, jumps to 854.9875 soon as I click it.

Sites that I can receive from my QTH are
site 2.2 CC 852.0875
site 10.10 CC 855.2125 (this site is also showing site 40.40 as its neighbor)
site 40.40 CC 856.2625 (this site is also showing site 10.10 as its neighbor)
site 71.71 CC 856.7125

The TDMA control channel (857.2125) I mentioned earlier seems to be gone now
I can't get site 1.1 from my QTH, maybe someone can check on that


Short Bus Reject
Feed Provider
Jun 11, 2016
Snow Bird
Lately, the P25 system has been very weird. I'm assuming this is for testing. Sometimes, when decoding the site in DSD+, the CC will jump to a different frequency, and I can't decode the system; other times, I can't even decode anything in DSD+. Sites make no sense to me; Unitrunker can decode some sites but not others, random TDMA Control channels that aren't there anymore, etc. It seems to be something new each day for the past few months.

According to my observations, the P25 system has 5 sites running at the moment. I was getting Sanford the other day, but now I can't for some reason. When I was able to pick up that site, many of the LE dispatch TGs were being Broadcasted; this is just based on a visual observation from DSD+; I did not pick up any audio. But overall, the information seems to change each day.

Out of the "new" P25 systems ive monitored in the past, ive never seen anything like this and how they are doing things. It doesn't make sense to me. And they aren't in a hurry with anything. It seems like through this mess, they are still just announcing "testing 123456" constantly to see if radios work. I get that they are being deliberate with the transition, and Volusia County is one of the largest in North Central Florida, so there are hundreds of thousands of radios that they need to transition and get working before they are cutover fully. Anyway, im not disputing their work or the fact that they are being deliberate in the transition, as some may claim. Im just saying that it seems very odd to me how they do everything.

I say, for now, the way I see it with site info and everything constantly changing, there's no reason to update the database. And even if it were updated, the info would probably be wrong. They are definitely on the right track now and better on the progress than they were this time last year, but they are still a ways away from 100% completion.


Florida Db Admin / Florida Forum Moderator
Jul 29, 2002
East Central, Florida
Lately, the P25 system has been very weird. I'm assuming this is for testing. Sometimes, when decoding the site in DSD+, the CC will jump to a different frequency, and I can't decode the system; other times, I can't even decode anything in DSD+. Sites make no sense to me; Unitrunker can decode some sites but not others, random TDMA Control channels that aren't there anymore, etc. It seems to be something new each day for the past few months.

According to my observations, the P25 system has 5 sites running at the moment. I was getting Sanford the other day, but now I can't for some reason. When I was able to pick up that site, many of the LE dispatch TGs were being Broadcasted; this is just based on a visual observation from DSD+; I did not pick up any audio. But overall, the information seems to change each day.

Out of the "new" P25 systems ive monitored in the past, ive never seen anything like this and how they are doing things. It doesn't make sense to me. And they aren't in a hurry with anything. It seems like through this mess, they are still just announcing "testing 123456" constantly to see if radios work. I get that they are being deliberate with the transition, and Volusia County is one of the largest in North Central Florida, so there are hundreds of thousands of radios that they need to transition and get working before they are cutover fully. Anyway, im not disputing their work or the fact that they are being deliberate in the transition, as some may claim. Im just saying that it seems very odd to me how they do everything.

I say, for now, the way I see it with site info and everything constantly changing, there's no reason to update the database. And even if it were updated, the info would probably be wrong. They are definitely on the right track now and better on the progress than they were this time last year, but they are still a ways away from 100% completion.
this is exactly why we are leaving the RR dB is staying static for now. I saw some of this channel flipping when duke came online - so I am thinking it's part of the playbook with how the system is being installed and tested. If users wish to populate the wiki page for Volusia with the play-by-play, that's the best place to do it - (and here in the forums)

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Holidays,