I have Dumfries, Thornburg and Independent Hill, but it seems that all of them are just out of range of my vehicle mounted mobile antenna. I have a Uniden BCD996P2 with a wlaniot mobile antenna
I have Dumfries, Thornburg and Independent Hill, but it seems that all of them are just out of range of my vehicle mounted mobile antenna. I have a Uniden BCD996P2 with a wlaniot mobile antenna
Damm, I have a similar setup and it works well. I would double check your coax to make sure it is not being pinched or cut and also where it connects to the scanner. I have had that happen before and it will literally kill the radio. Each time for me it was the coax end center connection was loose. You can use a multi-mode ohm meter to check it easy.
Damm, I have a similar setup and it works well. I would double check your coax to make sure it is not being pinched or cut and also where it connects to the scanner. I have had that happen before and it will literally kill the radio. Each time for me it was the coax end center connection was loose. You can use a multi-mode ohm meter to check it easy.
I live in Spotsy and travel between there and Arlington. I frequently drop slugs at the Mine Rd and 610 commuter lot (or I used to before COVID-19). I have a Unication G5 and I can pick up VSP in that area of 610 without any issues. I have all of the sites previously mentioned including Thornburg. I’m not sure about further down 610 because I stay by 95. Sometimes I do get an “out of range” message while on 95 between around mm136 and 143 but that varies.
What scanner are you using? Unications have a history of slow switching between towers and if you have a G3 or G5 and external antenna will not help reception on VHF. The antenna is internal only.
Uniden and Whistler shouldn't have an issue if they can find a control channel.
After that do you know anyone with a different antenna you could borrow and test reception with it.