Nope. You don't need a directional antenna. Save your money. If you are hearing audio on TG-40106 your scanner is working perfectly and you are hearing every dispatch in the East County area. The calls might not always be in your neighborhood, but trust me, that's how it works. Everything in PCSO East will be on that talk group. It doesn't filter out any specific areas or neighborhoods. When you are hearing a call, look up the addresses on Google Maps and you will see. I am 99% certain that your scanner is functioning the way it was designed. I would be concerned if you were hearing NO audio at all on TG40106, but you just told me that you were and that's a sign the scanner is working properly. Be patient. You WILL hear calls in your neighborhood(s) and surrounding areas. McChord would NOT block calls. And they would not block ONLY calls to Parkland and Spanaway. Seriously, Trust me. Just listen to Orting Simulcast in you are in business. South Simulcast is no good where you are located. Neither is Buckley.