Want to listen to the Kentucky State Police?

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Radio Geek
Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Raleigh, NC
Please read below as Unitcharlie answers the questions of what you need to monitor KSP:

Unitcharlie said:
Is the KSP system digital?

Yes... you need a scanner that will receive a digital signal. Currently there are several scanners on the market that will do that. They are: Pro-96/Pro 2096, Radio Shack Pro 106 or Pro 197, GRE 500/600 or a Uniden 396T/996T or the recently released Uniden BCD396xt/BCD996xt... All of them are available from various sources on line and in the Mall, I recommend Scannermaster because they are friends of rr.com... Despite what any Rat Shack manager/seller says, these are the only scanners that are digital scanners in the sense that they will, for example, receive KSP.

If you purchase a PRO96/2096 or 396T/996T you will need to enter the freqs in "FM" mode, if you have the GRE 500/600 or Radio Shack Pro 106 or Pro 197 or the Uniden BCD396xt/996xt you can enter the Network Access Code (NAC) for each freq--this will reduce "interference" from other freqs....

I recommend programming software for which ever scanner you buy--there are good free and commercial programs available for all six radios... and the appropriate cables to connect to a computer....

Many Thanks to Unitcharlie for the concise, easy to understand write up about this topic!
Hopefully this should answer most questions about monitoring KSP!
Marshall KE4ZNR
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Radio Geek
Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Raleigh, NC
I have updated this post to include info about the Uniden BCD396xt/BCD996xt radios.
Marshall KE4ZNR
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