I already submitted this info to the database - but I forgot this thread existed - anyhow -
I think if you look at the Shasta Trinity Natl Forest info in this
document, you will find that they have multiple simplex District nets.
Also - the database has 155.385 listed as the Hoopa Net on the Klamath NF. It
might be better to list that as Hoopa Indian Reservation under the
Bureau of Indian Affairs. They have Tac 1 154.19 and Tac 2 154.355
also (as you can find in the URL above). They also have 172.775 which
is called BIA Net and apparently is just a car to car freq.
The above URL also shows 172.275 as Trinity River Management Unit. I
think that is a unit of the Shasta Trinity Natl Forest, but I am not
Basically - I am giving you approx 8 new freqs to add to the database.