After noticing that I could not pick up the BLM in the southern San Joaquin Valley and the Owens Valley, I decided to do a little sleuthing on some of my trips to southern California. I also contacted some friends who live in the Bakersfield, Barstow, Susanville, and Fortuna areas and gathered what they had obtained in the last two years.
I just took a compilation of everything all of us had, tried to reconcile as many of the conflicting information as I could, and submit it for the database. The conflicts involved repeater tones only, and some of the information might have been more than a year old and some of it newer, resulting in some conflicts. I know that there are probably more repeaters out there, but we couldn't travel everywhere and in some places we traveled we received little or no traffic at the time.
The biggest change is the new frequencies used by the Bakersfield District. The old frequencies seemed to drop off about 3-4 years ago and it took a great deal of time to determine what the new frequencies are. The other two districts in California, Northern California and the California Desert District did not change. It was a huge job, by a number of people, to obtain the repeater tone information.
I requested that a new page or tab be added to the California Wide agency listing and titled "Bureau of Land Management."
In the meantime, the changes for the Bakersfield District are as follows: 166.900 out/169.725 in - Admin Net. 167.1250 out/169.775 out - Fire Net. I've not been able to find anything for the Bishop Field Office as I've not heard anything for a couple of years. They may have disbanded their net here, as the fire organization between the BLM and Forest Service is integrated now, and field units all use the Inyo NF Forest Net for all the traffic I've heard. You would think that they might have maintained the BLM net, just to have a alternative net during busy multiple incident periods.
Thanks goes out to my BLM/Forest Service/NPS/wildland fire type friends/acquaintances, most of whom are retired now, and not members of RR, for some good monitoring work.