We Need Updated and New Database Information for California

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Oct 5, 2008
Reno NV
Modesto Pw Freqs Missing

The City Of Modesto Public Works Frequencies Are Missing From The Database
I Have Some Frequencies To Be Looked Over From 2000
Callsign Kmk254 City Of Modesto 453.550 Mhz And 453.600 Mhz Repeater
Modesto Transit Callsign Wrm792 452.675 Mhz Repeater


Oct 5, 2008
Reno NV
City Of Willows Frequencies

I Have Sumitted The New Police And Fire Frequencys For The City Of Willows,ca
The City Of Willows Is Not In The Glenn County Database Shannon


Feb 24, 2001
Mono County Submission

I just made a large, comprehensive submission for Mono County. I have not posted it here because of it length. When it is posted those with some knowledge of the Mono County radio systems should look at it and discuss any problems with what I've submitted. Since there aren't all that many systems here and I've lived in this county for 27 years, have been in the radio hobby and owned scanners since 1968, I can't think of anyone who knows this county better than I, but I also haven't traveled to the north end of the county to listen to the scanner. Someone in the Topaz Lake to Carson City area can actually here some north end traffic that I can't.

I'm also going to submit an update of the Mammoth Mountain Ski Area after getting my hands on one of their handhelds on Friday. I became aware of the changes last November, but wanted to figure out the number values for four talkgroups they have added (channels 15 and 16). I thought I would be able to get my hands on one of their radios and that just sort of drug on all winter. I really should have submitted the partial and confirmed information on the changes in the other 14 channels first and posted the last talkgroups after I figured them out. Some who used my information and came here to ski this winter most likely noticed that the info on the database was not showing the proper channel use. Oh well, live and learn.


Feb 24, 2001
While driving on SR 14 yesterday I heard a California Dept. of Fish and Game employee stating he was on "Charlie" and I presume that follows the labeling that Bob Kelty shows in his book of California state agencies. Kelty's information is, as the Brits would say, "spot on" for the 151.430 repeaters. However I received a tone of 141.3. The nearest repeaters to my location at the time labeled with a C tone, 103.5 are Black Mountain in Imperial County and Conway Summit in northern Mono County. I know that I can't receive Conway from this location and Black Mountain is highly improbable. So the employee was not likely mistaken on his label of "Charlie" unless Heaps and Black Mountain have a coverage area overlap as Black Mtn. is shown as a C tone, 103.5. They are separated by a lot of topography and I can't imagine that they overlap, San Jacinto would be in the way. The closest repeater with a 141.3 tone is Heaps Peak, and I know I can receive it from north of Mojave.

Since Kelty's info is so often correct I"m trying to resolve this difference between tone labels (A-P as shown in Kelty's book) with the tone I received. Does anybody have a thought?


Feb 24, 2001
Another observation I made on this last trip to southern California is not being able to receive the data channel for the trunked system on Santiago Peak on my PRO-96 (handheld). Up to 2-3 years ago it boomed into my 96 when I'm in the driveway of my mother's house just north of LAX. I used to be able to hear it in a few locations inside her house. Now, I can't pick it up at all. Other Santiago Peak repeaters are easily received and the ham repeaters at that location are easy to work from the driveway. The RR database shows the control frequency to be 856.7375 and I just checked the file for my PRO-96 and it is correctly programmed and labeled. I checked my mobile program and found that I had left this frequency out of the scan list and file of my PSR-600 installed in my car.

Does anyone have a clue as to why I'm not receiving the control channel in the same location and same radio as I did 3-4 years ago?


Oct 14, 2005
turlock ca
Another observation I made on this last trip to southern California is not being able to receive the data channel for the trunked system on Santiago Peak on my PRO-96 (handheld). Up to 2-3 years ago it boomed into my 96 when I'm in the driveway of my mother's house just north of LAX. I used to be able to hear it in a few locations inside her house. Now, I can't pick it up at all. Other Santiago Peak repeaters are easily received and the ham repeaters at that location are easy to work from the driveway. The RR database shows the control frequency to be 856.7375 and I just checked the file for my PRO-96 and it is correctly programmed and labeled. I checked my mobile program and found that I had left this frequency out of the scan list and file of my PSR-600 installed in my car.

Does anyone have a clue as to why I'm not receiving the control channel in the same location and same radio as I did 3-4 years ago?

maybe they rebanded


Feb 24, 2001
After noticing that I could not pick up the BLM in the southern San Joaquin Valley and the Owens Valley, I decided to do a little sleuthing on some of my trips to southern California. I also contacted some friends who live in the Bakersfield, Barstow, Susanville, and Fortuna areas and gathered what they had obtained in the last two years.

I just took a compilation of everything all of us had, tried to reconcile as many of the conflicting information as I could, and submit it for the database. The conflicts involved repeater tones only, and some of the information might have been more than a year old and some of it newer, resulting in some conflicts. I know that there are probably more repeaters out there, but we couldn't travel everywhere and in some places we traveled we received little or no traffic at the time.

The biggest change is the new frequencies used by the Bakersfield District. The old frequencies seemed to drop off about 3-4 years ago and it took a great deal of time to determine what the new frequencies are. The other two districts in California, Northern California and the California Desert District did not change. It was a huge job, by a number of people, to obtain the repeater tone information.

I requested that a new page or tab be added to the California Wide agency listing and titled "Bureau of Land Management."

In the meantime, the changes for the Bakersfield District are as follows: 166.900 out/169.725 in - Admin Net. 167.1250 out/169.775 out - Fire Net. I've not been able to find anything for the Bishop Field Office as I've not heard anything for a couple of years. They may have disbanded their net here, as the fire organization between the BLM and Forest Service is integrated now, and field units all use the Inyo NF Forest Net for all the traffic I've heard. You would think that they might have maintained the BLM net, just to have a alternative net during busy multiple incident periods.

Thanks goes out to my BLM/Forest Service/NPS/wildland fire type friends/acquaintances, most of whom are retired now, and not members of RR, for some good monitoring work.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2005
Ex Smokey - I didnt see any Calif BLM info in the database. This is what I have gleaned from the 2009 Calif Mob Guide, WildCAD, and BLM websites.

BLM Engines in California - 2009

North California Region (NOD)

Susanville Fire Sta - ?
Ravendale Fire Sta - ?
West Valley Fire Sta near Likely - ?
Surprise Fire Sta near Cedarville - E3236 - E3237 - BIA Eng 1
King Range Fire Sta near Whitethorn (in Humboldt County) - E3233
Doyle - E3323 - E3424


Central Calif Region / Bakersfield District (BBD)

Chimney Peak Fire Sta - ?
Kernville Fire Sta - WT3192
Midway / Taft Fire Sta - E3134 - E3147
Metro Fire Sta (Bakersfield) - E3130 - PV 3156
South Fork Fire Sta - E3133
Hollister - ?
Folsom - Patrol 3158 vacant
misc - E3143 - E3144 - E3146 - maybe at Metro


Owens Valley Interagency Comm Center

Mono Basin Fire Sta (at ? Bishop) - E3131 - E3132 - E3140
Topaz - E3141 - E3140 - E3131
Bridgeport - Brush 3132


Calif Desert District (CDD)

Olancha Fire Sta - E3634
Salt Wells Fire Sta - E3635
Hole in the Wall Fire Sta - E3639
Apple Valley Fire Sta - E3637 - E3638 - E3648
Black Rock Interagency Fire Sta - E3636
Cranston On Call Base - E3630
Ridgecrest Resource Area - E3634


these two might be Nevada

Palamino Valley - Brush 3333 - Brush 3334 - Brush 3435
Fish Springs - E3361

I believe that NOD is dispatched from Susanville - BBD is dispatched from Porterville - and CDD is dispatched from San Bernardino - I guess that Owens Valley dispatches for a couple of stations from the BBD

Corrections ?


Feb 24, 2001
Ex Smokey - I didnt see any Calif BLM info in the database. This is what I have gleaned from the 2009 Calif Mob Guide, WildCAD, and BLM websites.

BLM Engines in California - 2009

North California Region (NOD)

Susanville Fire Sta - ?
Ravendale Fire Sta - ?
West Valley Fire Sta near Likely - ?
Surprise Fire Sta near Cedarville - E3236 - E3237 - BIA Eng 1
King Range Fire Sta near Whitethorn (in Humboldt County) - E3233
Doyle - E3323 - E3424


Central Calif Region / Bakersfield District (BBD)

Chimney Peak Fire Sta - ?
Kernville Fire Sta - WT3192
Midway / Taft Fire Sta - E3134 - E3147
Metro Fire Sta (Bakersfield) - E3130 - PV 3156
South Fork Fire Sta - E3133
Hollister - ?
Folsom - Patrol 3158 vacant
misc - E3143 - E3144 - E3146 - maybe at Metro


Owens Valley Interagency Comm Center

Mono Basin Fire Sta (at ? Bishop) - E3131 - E3132 - E3140
Topaz - E3141 - E3140 - E3131
Bridgeport - Brush 3132


Calif Desert District (CDD)

Olancha Fire Sta - E3634
Salt Wells Fire Sta - E3635
Hole in the Wall Fire Sta - E3639
Apple Valley Fire Sta - E3637 - E3638 - E3648
Black Rock Interagency Fire Sta - E3636
Cranston On Call Base - E3630
Ridgecrest Resource Area - E3634


these two might be Nevada

Palamino Valley - Brush 3333 - Brush 3334 - Brush 3435
Fish Springs - E3361

I believe that NOD is dispatched from Susanville - BBD is dispatched from Porterville - and CDD is dispatched from San Bernardino - I guess that Owens Valley dispatches for a couple of stations from the BBD

Corrections ?

I don't have the time to compare your listing for every engine. I have some information available (when I have time) to fill in some of your question marks. After a quick glance the list looks pretty good. The exceptions are that the Mono Basin BLM station is located in Lundy Canyon near the northeast portion of Mono Lake. It is not in Bishop. CDF and the BLM did a trade. CDF is responsible for initial and extended attack, as well as prevention, on the BLM lands in Inyo County. The BLM does the same for the SRA outside the Inyo National Forest boundaries in Mono County.

The dispatch locations are all correct. I believe that Engine 3141 is the only engine permanently assigned to Topaz. There is a Toiyabe National Forest engine assigned there as well.

The BLM Carson City District also has a station at Doyle, which is in California. I believe that the Plumas NF has assigned apparatus to this station as well. Since the Plumas consolidated their districts, the Mohawk Ranger Station, where much of the fire personnel on that portion of the Forest were stationed in the past might have moved down the hill to Doyle.

As far as I know the Fish Springs station, east of Minden/Gardnerville has been closed. I haven't driven there in a couple of years. Their is a station at Palomino Valley, located along with the BLM's "wild" (actually feral) horse facility. I believe it is the horse facility for all of Nevada.

The BLM Bishop Field Office and Inyo National Forest fire organizations have been merged. The Inyo NF dispatch center dispatches for both, including all other BLM employees in law enforcement recreation, range, etc. I'm fairly certain that the BLM pulled all their radio equipment out of the eastern Sierra.

I think the BLM Hollister Field Office contracts with CDF for fire suppression/prevention on the scattered BLM in that field office area. I could be wrong as one of my former coworkers has a fire management position in that field office.

The BLM information I submitted only includes radio frequency information. Obviously the overworked and under appreciated database admins have not gotten to it yet.


Feb 24, 2001
I just submitted some minor changes to the Mono County listings. The submissions for the Mammoth Mountain trunked radio system are more extensive, including some changes in voice channel frequencies and in the use of talkgroups and channel designators. I should have submitted the ski area changes last fall, but wanted to verify every detail before doing so, then ran out of time this winter to do it once I figured it all out. Hopefully, better late than never!


Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2005
Just a quick update to the BLM engine info

From a Washoe County NV 2009 fire plan

Calif North District BLM

Susanville - E3230 - E3231 - both are 4X4 Ty3 - each staffed by 5 people /5 days per week

Ravendale - E3232 - Helo 553 - E3241 - (E3241 is unstaffed - Helo 553 has a crew of 6 every day of the week)

West Valley - E3234 - E3235 - both are 4X4 Ty3 staffed with 5 people each 5 days of the week


Aug 22, 2006
Big Bear
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Special unit dispatch (SUDS) is being redesignated as Countywide L-Tac.


Just some radio guy
Apr 30, 2003
User Submission for: San Bernardino, County of (Public Safety) 08

Just submitted the following before I read the stick about posting here first (oops). Please advise if you have any questions/concerns with my submission. This has been wrong for a long time, and I figured it was about time to clear it up.


Big Bear Dispatch is NOT on 8-FIRE-2. 8-FIRE-2 is a patch to 1-FIRE-1 which covers the high desert area only.

154.190 is the Green channel which was previously used by Big Bear Lake and City FD's to talk to DESCOM. The Green is still used for a tactical occasionally, but is not used for dispatching any longer with the departure of DESCOM. All dispatching in the Big Bear area is now handled by county (COMCENTER), and is either on the 800 system on 8-FIRE-1 or it's highband link channel (159.120), or on a new highband channel used for FD's in the Big Bear area which is also patched back to COMCENTER somehow, but NOT patched to the 800 system at this time. I am not at liberty to disclose the new highband channel yet.
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