Glad you chimed in ki5kat, maybe you can clear things up. I performed a quick google search and it shows that you and n5uwu are admins for the tetra ham repeater on 441.800 (via QRZ) and looks like there's a new listing for 451.800 (via FCC search) under the same Centex group. it's not uncommon for ham guys to have multiple repeaters on different bands and try to get them with the same suffix frequency.
Said TETRA RPT isn't a shared project. That's my thing. We both work on Centex however.
Also said TETRA rpt isn't on 441.8(I thought I fixed that but guess not) Its on 441.1 due to complaints(and my refusal to deal with "Digital Isn't real ham, hams")
On the lic we have 4 freqs in UHF and one VHF freq that was not put in right and really can't be used till I bother to update the lic.... 451.8 isn't used as much in the area and thus was selected for both temp sites. The CC's don't go 24/7 and have a 1-3 min break late in the eve when there isnt much system use. However, once the W/A sites start going up they will be fulltime CC with a license that my smoothbrain didn't do the app for.....
But I'll let KAT chime in now XD