And to top it off the PW has gone P25 with a new system too. Not cheap. At least they are not encrypted.....yet. LOL
Lol I'm sure they are using the same equipped hardware too. Most public works use model 2 or 1 of what a pd uses. Just matter of the techs enable it or not. Here we have been testing p25 on pw for while. While most use the old channel time to time most traffic is on a encrypted new channel. Mostly due to fact recreation centers who watch over children, names, phone numbers, details of children need to be given to others across the city. Whay started that pw enc where I am was a registered offender was monitoring and following one of the vans with kids. Then a issue rised with water billing where a resident filed a suit and in it mentioned account details said over a radio system where the public could hear. In end that plus the first led to the change in southwest area I am in. It isn't for potholes or trash but rather details needed from cs to the field worker vice versa of certain things. Just takes one bad apple to give a idea and spoil it. We opted to have user enable switching but powers at be came down said no that gives room for user error so stop the issue before it happens and we end up in another liability suit over children or water consumption details. In end it is a test and no one has noticed yet the new pw channel that is enc. The testing has gone well and the pd and fd will get their new channels soon and be enc. We been slowly installing and rolling them out one by one for the night we tell them complete and dispatch tells pd and fd to go to the new home zone now. Sad times but way it is guess. FWIW here, we been installing side by side with NMSP techs as they been upgrading the digital equipment and keys have been loaded into them and the county end. So interop won't be a issue.
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