AndrewC75 said:
The Cobb County P25 TRS bandplan shows the following:
Min LCN Max LCN Base (Mhz) Spacing
00-0000 00-4095 851.00625 6.250
01-0000 01-4095 762.00625 6.250
So it looks like Cobb could use some 700 Mhz channels if they choose to, but they aren't licensed to at this time.
Yes! like all Project 25 systems that are operating on the ASTRO 6.1 platform or higher, the system architecture will fully support migration to 700 MHz operations, or mixed 700/800 MHz activity. Of course, this all depends on the state band plan for 700 MHz operations.
Currently, the Illinois Starcom 21 TRS is operating a few 700 MHz sites and more are expected to come online in the future. Moreover, the same applies to the state of Louisiana and their new LATIE TRS. That being said, once a common band plan is agreed upon in the state of Georgia, you will more than likely see 700 MHz sites popping up to relieve congestion on the 800 MHz band.