Mtn Park area of Lilburn/West Gwinnett running a HP1, 325p2 and Pro 164 with various antennas mounted on my home's roof. Enjoy monitoring GSP Post 9, GSP Troop C (APSP25) and Tucker Dispatch at home. I'd like to start listening to air traffic as well but haven't done enough research yet. I spend a lot of time on the road, specifically I-20 between ATL and Dallas. Developing/executing a plan to effectively scan along the route has been challenging, I'd be stoked to share ideas with anyone who drives I-20 or monitors it's traffic.
A few cool experiences i've had over the past year: This past summer my HP1 came across an AL DEA channel being used by a helo as it followed a suspect all over town. Last month I heard chatter in the clear from a city PD in Gwinnett for the first time in years. The channel is being used at night as sort of a low content break-room and is hillarious at times.