When you drive to a hilltop to use your 10M, do you use a beam antenna then, or if not what kind? Please tell me more about it, because this is what I want to do.
Yes, a 3 element beam and it does help a great deal. If the band is open, a dipole will work, but a beam always helps on any 2, 70cm, 6 or 10 meter band quite a bit.
You can make your own or buy one. There are some good designs in the ARRL books as well as on the net and making your own, it's easier to set the middle frequency you want.
A bucket with a pole larger than the pole on your antenna and some guy rope if there is wind, holds the antenna about 15' off the ground. I just turn it by hand, works great. I have a pick up truck, so everything just goes in the back. I use deep cycle batteries and a couple solar panels (if I'm going to be there a longer time) for power as well as a MFJ voltage booster to keep about 13 volts to the radio. The batteries last longer at 13 volts than 13.8 volts and the radio works almost as well, well enough as not to really make a difference. I have a 10 watt Yaesu 6 Meter with side band also for 6 meters if I want to take a smaller radio and just work 6 meters. I have not been doing it for very long, but have made contacts. No DX yet.
Having an antenna analyzer is a big help when building your own. I use my analyzer on every antenna I have to peak it up to be the best it can be and you can also tune up thru a antenna tuner without using power, less QRM for others.
I got a MFJ 259B analyzer, but sometimes wish I had spent more for the one that does the UHF band also.
73's John KF7VXA