I have all the frequencies listed my "disaster" bank in my Uniden 436HP as AUTO in the modulation and audio option as well as the way they are listed in NIFOG. Just to cover all the bases.
My reasoning for this question is I'm figuring a tower, repeater etc, probably has an internet connection so it can be monitored & adjusted remotely. And with what's rumored about a cyber war with Russia, it may get infected. Cyber folks & hackers will tell you that once a virus is sent, there's no knowing where else it'll go.
Remember Stuxnet? It targeted a very specific SCADA controller. The virus ended up in many places, but was only a problem for Iranian centrifuges, otherwise it was harmless. By the way, the centrifuges were not on the internet, but still they were infected. Think about that for a bit, internet connections are not required for a cyber attack.
I don't believe any of us (as hobbyist) will ever hear real time communication regarding a cyber attack on the U.S. by a nation-state.
Microsoft took down 7 domains linked to Russia. These were used to attack Ukrainian targets and others. MS went to court on their own and received a court order. Apparently without the help of the Feds.